Despite repeated claims to the contrary, Mayor de Blasio is positioning himself to be the leftist “progressive” alternative to Wall Street-friendly Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Democratic candidat...
The book, a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities, is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The real Choice.
On Friday in New Hampshire, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said giving illegal immigrants a pathway to “earned legal status” is a “rational, thoughtful” way to deal with illegal immigrants in the country. Speaking at the Politics and Eggs breakfast,
Between shaming poor people, restricting abortions and legalizing discrimination, Gov. Sam Brownback's "experiment" has made his state the most conservative in the union.
Paltrow failed to hold to the food-stamp budget.

Iran nuke bill a bad deal

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Income disparity is a dominant political issue these days. Ironically, the widest disparities are found in the nation’s most liberal cities. And those disparities are made worse by very high housing costs.
In his Talking Points Memo, Bill O'Reilly said that the concept of "white suppression" is a big lie.
Guest post by DMartyr It comes as no surprise that a left leaning media outlet would stack biased audience members against a right-wing candidate.  One example we saw was during the 2012 Presidential debate in which Michelle Obama was repeatedly?
The book, a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities, is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The apparent political neophytes at the New York Times are constantly appalled to discover that non-supportive things are often said about prominent Democrats during Republican gatherings. Patrick Healy and Jonathan Martin in New Hampshire, "At Republican Gathering, All Talk Is of Clinton (None of It Is Good)". The Times performed a little pushback on Hillary's behalf, warning that delivering anti-Clinton "red meat" to supportive audiences might make candidates seem "minor league."
The Islamic militant group Boko Haram is adopting ISIS' bloody strategy of stamping out Christianity with a frightening fervor, putting Nigeria's 70 million followers of Jesus in danger for their lives, fearful human rights advocates say.

Walker Shines in New Hampshire

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Nashua, N.H.Scott Walker was feeling it. He’d been speaking for a little more than ten minutes, telling stories about his battles in Wisconsin to a crowd of Republicans nodding their heads in enthusiastic agreement. Then, in the middle of an extended passage on the United States’ role in the world, Walker invoked “what makes us arguably the greatest nation in history.” Arguably? At a Republican gathering in the Obama era?
The United States America appears to have lost the courage of its convictions.
Brit Hume delivers one of the more accurate and scathing descriptions of the lack of competency in the government under Obama's leadership. Watch below: BOOM! You just got Brit Humed!!!
During a panel discussion about the campaign on
If Barack Obama doesn't love America, then why is he beating the crap out of her? That's the question our host and voracious reader, Andrew Klavan, explores in this review of the steamy new book 50 SH
(Image screenshot) It has become all too apparent that the “green” movement has lost all semblance of legitimacy pertaining to ...
Nicolle Wallace, the former Sarah Palin staffer who made a name bashing her ex-boss, on Thursday yet again failed to offer the conservative perspective. The View co-host touted the liberal postal worker, a man who flew a gyrocopter into restricted Washington D.C. airspace in order to lobby for more left-wing campaign finance laws. 
Radical egalitarianism in a democracy leads to mob rule, which leads to tyranny. So it happened in Ancient Athens, and so might it happen in America today.
Most Americans can see there is a vast difference between a time in America where racist mobs lynched innocent black men, and today. But NPR is full of liberals who like to engage in the slur that nothing has changed in American race relations. Now, apparently, the racist mobs are the police. ‘ On Friday’s Morning Edition, NPR did a story on the revival of anti-lynching plays in the wake of the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott.
According to Jon Stewart, cable news is so awful that Daily Show staffers who keep tabs on it are essentially “turd miners.” That said, Stewart believes that the most foul-smelling poop comes from Fox News. In a Saturday profile in the left-wing British newspaper The Guardian, Stewart told writer Hadley Freeman that MSNBC is preferable to Fox “because [MSNBC isn’t] steeped in distortion and ignorance as a virtue. But they’re both relentless and built for 9/11. So, in the absence of such a catastrophic event, they take the nothing and amplify it and make it craziness.”
On Sunday’s This Week, several members of the show’s political panel took some cheap shots at the GOP and CNN contributor LZ Granderson argued that the 2016 GOP presidenttal contenders look like an “intolerant field.” 
Forbes' Rick Ungar said he wished he could say Hillary's campaign opening had begun amazingly, but instead he called it the most contrived political campaign ever. The panel only had one conservati...