Bill de Blasio ran Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign in 2000. Now it’s 2015 and he’s giving her a hard time. This is odd. “It’s time to see a clear, bold vision for progressive economic change,” he...
Whether he wanted it or not, US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) now has the backing of one of libertarianism's most strident and prominent academics.
"It’s time for pro-lifers to go on the offense."

Arizona Ban on Bag Bans

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Discussion of Arizona's plastic bag-ban-ban. Some local City of Flagstaff reactions. And Constitutional issues related to the concept of preemption. Relevant...
The problem with global warming is that eventually it must meet reality. Either the globe is warming up at horrific rates as the models have promised, or it isn't.
It's a sad day in America when due process rights granted in the Constitution need protection, but here we are. On college campuses across the country, students — particularly male students — are learning the hard way that they have little if any due process rights should they ever be accused of sexual assault. Indeed, an accusation is all that's needed to destroy or severely alter their future. The reason for this comes from the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, which has reinterpreted Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to view sexual assault as a form of gender discrimination instead of a crime. It therefore must be treated as a disciplinary matter, more closely aligned with plagiarism than the felony crime it actually is. And since Title IX and OCR's subsequent, infamous Dear Colleague letter recommend inadequate due process rights for those accused, following those guidelines has been shown in at least one instance to be an acceptable excuse for subverting the Constitution. For instance, although Title IX theoretically requires a fair hearing for the accused, it also requires a Title IX officer to oversee the investigation of sexual assault complaints and be a victim's advocate, thereby placing the power of the office behind the accuser and against the accused.
In a recently released video, Obama admits that his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, schooled him on white racism. In a 1995 interview Obama admitted Frank Marshall Davis schooled him in “white racism.” “And the conversation finally ends with me having?
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) addressed the New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit on Saturday. Currently considering joining the 2016 presidential race, Jindal shared what the American Dream has meant for his family, especially how education created opportunities.
AUSTIN, Texas — In a Spanish language interview with Jorge Ramos on Univision’s Al Punto show, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) discussed immigration policy, affirming his longstanding objection to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of
During a segment on his Fox Business Network show Making Money, host Charles Payne said that he thinks Obama is making ready for a big push to pay billions in slavery reparations in 2016.
Rand Paul spoke at this weekend's New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit. Here's his full speech for your non-interventionist consumption:
"Serious" stories about Hillary Clinton did not attract as much coverage as her failure to leave a tip at a Mexican restaurant, writes Matt Lewis
Obamacare has very few substantive critics anymore. The era of big government has not ended.
"It is abundantly clear this was an act of radical Islamic terrorism."

Silencing skeptics

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

How long will this country remain free? Probably only as long as the American people value their freedom enough to defend it. Meanwhile, attempts to shut down people whose free speech interferes wi...
Obama: 'Embarassing' 'Political Gamesmanship' Senate Hasn't Voted on AG
Democrats hope Hillary Clinton will raise hundreds of millions of dollars from Wall Street.
Washington, DC — At a press conference today in Washington, President Barack Obama announced his plans to sign an executive order increasing the national minimum wage to $25/hr.
The Environmentalists’ Civil War -
Clowns brawled with animal rights protesters under a circus big top in San Bernardino Friday night.