Way back when the Scott Walker campaign was first getting going and was stealing a not inconsiderable amount of momentum from the Jeb Inevitability Tour, he took a trip to England as part of his actual job as governor of Wisconsin. While there, he was asked a stupid and pointless question about evolution, which he refused to answer on the grounds that it was irrelevant | Read More »
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is drawing a populist bead on lavish Wall Street pay packages as she revs up her march to the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, but in some respects the fat-per-speech fee she can charge puts her far ahead of the top 10 highest-paid American CEOs. I think it's fair to say that if you look across the country, the deck is stacked in favor of those already at the top. There's something wrong when CEOs make 300 times more than the American worker..., Clinton said during her first campaign swing last week at an Iowa community college. Bashing Wall Streeters is part of Clinton's strategy of remaking her image to appear more sympathetic to middle class voters, while also appealing to left-wing Democrats who are attracted to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and the even more radical supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont socialist who talks of seeking the 2016 nomination.

Patriots' Day 2015

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“If they want a war let it begin here.”
This is the kind of poise we need from our leaders.
A U.S. veteran was detained but not charged Friday after she intervened in a university protest where demonstrators were walking on the American flag.
When Hillary Clinton announced -- by video, not in person, live -- that she is running for president, she declared that "everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion." Then, she took of in a "van" dubbed by Clintonians the "Scooby Doo," after the lovable, hi-jinx prone cartoon dog. But as with everything Clinton, the strategy to humanize Hillary -- a multimillionaire who hasn't driven since 1996 and can't remember the last time she got her own morning coffee -- has been a a surreal exercise in absurdity.
In his classic political primer, Rules for Radicals, famed Leftist organizer Saul Alinsky declared, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” If this is true, then Hillary Clinton is in trouble
College-style "conform or suffer" dogma infects science fiction and superheroes.

Stand Up for Indiana!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

By Patrick J. Buchanan In what has been called the "Catholic moment" in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to "live the faith" and "set an example" for others. Public lives were to reflect moral beliefs. Christians were to avoid those "living in sin." Christians who operated motels and hotels did not rent rooms to unmarried couples. Fast forward to 21st-century America. Read more on Buchanan.Org...

Take Your Nose Off My Fist

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Some time ago I wrote a blog post called Of Fists And Noses. It referred to a phrase often repeated in Portugal (at least in my school) after the revolution. It was “your right to swing your fist s...
Katie Hopkins is in trouble again. Instead of welcoming boatloads of Libyan immigrants into Europe with open arms, she argues in her latest Sun column, we should be repelling them with gunboats and sending them back home. It begins: NO,
Obama to Take Airforce One to Florida to Make Global Warming Speech On Earth Day
Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged his armed forces Sunday to increase their "defensive preparedness", denouncing a US warning that military action is an option if there is no nuclear deal. In a speech to commanders and troops, the supreme leader said "the other side with insolence threaten us all the time", denying Iran was seeking an atomic bomb and insisting its military doctrine is defensive. Khamenei's remarks came after General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, reiterated last week that should nuclear talks with Iran fail "the military option... is intact". The United States has long said bombing Iran's nuclear sites and other key facilities may be necessary if Tehran does not rein in its atomic activities.
Everything about Hillary Clinton seems fake, a lie and bogus. Even her Twitter online page has been exposed; (This is not the first time for her online presence). According to Daily Mail: Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 …
Nearly two hundred U.S. citizens have been murdered in Mexico since 2013. Fierce gunfights, kidnappings, bus hijackings, car-jackings and extortion by Mexican cartels are all possibilities that could be faced by U.S. citizens travelling into Mexico.
Andrew Jackson’s days on the $20 bill may be over if an activist group called Women on the 20s gets its way. Because of this campaign, which is backed by a litany of liberal columnists, “Old Hickory” may be unceremoniously ditched in favor of one of these four female candidates.
Michelle Manhart, an Air Force veteran and former Playboy model, was detained by police at Valdosta State University.
They’ve stood by and waited while establishment Republicans staged a noisy First in the Nation Leadership Summit in New Hampshire which drew 19 presidential hopefuls and a crush of media this weekend. Now they are ready to rumble: a feisty group of Granite State conservatives will move in. Literally. On Sunday, the 603 Alliance — activists loyal to founding principles and the Constitution - will stage a daylong summit in the very same hotel. They intend to winnow out the authentic conservative conservative candidates - with much ado.
Hillary Clinton's Facebook fan base will surprise you.
Gohmert: Homeland Security To Busy With Amnesty to Protect The Capitol

Remember the First Amendment?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Hillary Clinton's ambition to enact a Constitutional Amendment to limit the protection for free speech offered by the First Amendment.
  The reason it was a story in the first place is because the tale involves a pretty (and successful) blonde. That simple. Oh, and a catfight: Pretty successful blonde yells at another woman who may not be as pretty and clearly isn't as successful. What a horrible B - I - T- double toothpicks. But no one bothered to check the other side of the story. TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, Buzzfeed, all the rest, they just ran the pretty girl going ballistic, but they missed the REAL story.
Prostitutes from Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Mound, Nevada have officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
When cartoonist Garry Trudeau was scheduled to receive a Polk Award at Long Island University’s Brooklyn campus on April 10, it hardly seemed worth covering. Everyone could easily predict exactly w...