
The rush to humiliate the poor

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

State and local legislators everywhere are stripping the impoverished of dignity.
Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform. She is also accused of cheating to build fake Facebook 'likes.'
Marco Rubio Has the Right Ideas, and More -
With key provisions of the Patriot Act set to expire, conservative advocacy groups are telling Republican lawmakers they should make significant changes to the government’s authority to collect data about Americans.
Same-sex parenting is not unique in the alternative family landscape. What is unique is encouraging an alternative parenting structure guaranteed to deny a child’s right to a biological parent.
Watch more www.LouderWithCrowder.com! This week, Hillary Clinton announced her bid for presidency. In this video, her campaign manager explains the strategy....
The following guest post is by Jon Bishop, who writes from Massachusetts. His essays, fiction, and reviews have appeared in such publications as Boston Literary Magazine, Ethika Politika, PJ Media,...
NRA Drew 78,695 Supporters To Nashville, Moms Demand Drew 150
The owner of Gravity Payments, a credit card processor in Seattle, said he heard stories of how tough it was to make ends meet even on salaries that exceeded the federal minimum wage.
The brand new 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton will embrace 'small donors in early fundraising,' according to a Monday Politico story.
Can you imagine if in 2008 a prominent conservative media member had said that Barack Obama looked like a "little boy" compared to John McCain?  The echoes of liberal outrage would still be resounding today. But there was Mika Brzezinski on today's Morning Joe saying of Marco Rubio "that's a little boy." Mika made the invidious comparison to Hillary's service as senator, First Lady and Secretary of State.  Scoffed Joe Scarborough: "hearing this from two people [Mika and Donny Deutsch] that worshipped Barack Obama in 2008 is laughable."
After hearing about as study that claimed income-- to a certain level-- directly affects one's emotional well-being, the founder of a Seattle-based credit card processing company announced Monday that he will take large salary cut so he can increase the pay for each employee to at least $70,000 a year.
America needs bigger people, which means smaller government; more honesty, which means less political rhetoric; more property, which requires less collectivism; and more liberty, which demands less compulsion, not better-hidden compulsion. A greater burden of law and bigger political initiatives means more of us will be redefined as criminals and losers, and we can't afford that.
He’s Benedict Bill. Democratic leaders are fuming after Mayor Bill de Blasio turned his back on mentor and megasupporter Hillary Clinton by not endorsing her presidential bid. A party source told T...
2012: To achieve his goals, "Obama must declare war on the Republican Party."
Hillary Clinton has plenty of fans — in Baghdad. At least 7 percent of her Facebook fans hail from the Iraqi capital, more than any other city, the news website Vocativ reported. Only 4 percent of ...
California's crops are also being blamed for our water woes.
Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum has concerned parents protesting. Yet according to Kathleen Wynne, these parents are 'homophobic'. That's right. A...
According to a Defense Department approved
As the Obama administration prepares for a new surge of illegal immigrant children this year, some of those from previous waves are turning up on court dockets across the country, charged with serious crimes such as capital murder and aggravated rape.
Hillary Clinton has announced that she is running for president of the United States. What her likely nomination says about the Democratic Party and tens of millions of Americans is depressing.
Feminist academic Christina Hoff Sommers is attracting attention for speaking out against untruths in the gender equality debate, writes Peter Lloyd
New York Times veteran foreign reporter John Burns has retired after 40 years with the paper, closing a career of covering hotspots like Afghanistan, China, and Iraq, where Saddam Hussein threatened his life for his brave reporting from Baghdad for the Times and CBS News. A friend gave him the title to this essay of recollections of some of the worst places on Earth: "It's not how far you’ve traveled, it’s what you’ve brought back." What Burns brought back "was an abiding revulsion for ideology, in all its guises," from the Communist dictatorships of China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union, a revulsion some of his fellow reporters have never learned.
Masha Gessen explores what shaped Boston Marathon bombers.