Ferguson, Missouri held its first city election last week since the death of Michael Brown and the ensuing riots. Hands up! Despite all of the media attention and international press, only 19% of eligible voters from Brown's district turned out…
Hillary Clinton has hardly done anything since declaring her candidacy, and in fact she's going out of her way to stay out of the headlines. Today the media latched on to the tidbit that she had st...
Even Alexander Hamilton, who proposed a monarchy, would be shocked by how much power is concentrated in today’s executive branch, argues Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats now make laws that are even too complex for Members of
The box office hit American Sniper was a rare movie. One we don't see too often nowadays. It showed America's heroes in a very real and very proud way. With no ...
Dahbi, however, told the judge that the women were...
Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' only announced presidential candidate, arrived in Iowa Tuesday. A gaggle of reporters and photographers assembled in front of the Jones Regional Educational Center in Monticello, Iowa, where where she was set to speak. But when she threw them a curveball, even an MSNBC anchor was...
Patients suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease shouldn’t have to plead with bureaucrats to try potentially lifesaving drugs.
McConnell: Notion Hillary Clinton Represents Change 'Laughable'
TV mega-producer/showrunner Shonda Rhimes was inducted into the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame on Monday at an event honoring diversity in television.
According to ABC's Cokie Roberts, hints that Hillary Clinton may be unlikable can be traced back to sexism. The veteran journalist appeared on Good Morning America, Tuesday, to promote her new book, but the conversation veered into a discussion of 2016. Citing an unnamed poll, Roberts referenced "research that shows that a woman who is strong and powerful is seen as not friendly and empathetic." 
The media is whining after a contentious interview with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie last week and an earlier one with CNBC’s Kelly Evans, that Rand Paul is the new "sexist" GOP candidate. On April 14’s Today show anchor Hoda Kotb asked Paul’s wife, Kelley, what was “going through her mind” while watching the contentious interview with Savannah Guthrie last Wednesday. 
It was announced over the weekend that on June 7 John Dickerson will replace Bob Schieffer as the host of CBS News' "Face the Nation."
Republican Presidential hopefuls gathered in Nashville, Tennessee to address an enthusiastic audience at the NRA 2015 Annual Meeting. PJTV's Amber Smith was ...
Republican Presidential hopefuls gathered in Nashville, Tennessee to address an enthusiastic audience at the NRA 2015 Annual Meeting. PJTV's Amber Smith was ...
Howard Dean declared that Hillary Clinton is "the only person running with any modicum of foreign policy experience"
In many ways, women already are ahead, but feminists won’t acknowledge that, says Diana Furchtgott-Roth.
Daily Mail Online spoke to ten students at the rural community Iowa college where Hillary Clinton will be Tuesday. One said 'I hope people don't vote for her just because she's a woman.'
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK/DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, under pressure from the left wing of her Democratic Party to aggressively campaign against income inequality, voiced concern about the hefty paychecks of some corporate executives in an email to supporters. Striking a populist note, Clinton, who announced on Sunday she was running for president in 2016, said American families were still facing financial hardship at a time "when the average CEO makes about 300 times what the average worker makes." In a tightly scripted campaign launch in which there were few surprises, the comments were unexpected, at least by progressives, who saw them as an early sign she may shift away from the centrist economic policies pursued by her husband, former President Bill Clinton. “I definitely see the push from the left wing, which I think is great,” said Jared Milrad, a Clinton supporter who appeared in a video launching her campaign for the presidency.
The federal government’s chief deportation agency has seen its success plummet under President Obama, and its chief, Sarah R. Saldana, will tell Congress on Tuesday that they’ve had trouble adapting to the changing face of illegal immigration and a lack of cooperation from both American cities and from foreign countries.
This chick needs to stfu.
Did you feel it yesterday? The sudden gust of cool, refreshing air? The palpable enthusiasm? The excitement? The electricity? Oh yes, that's the Hillary Effect, my friends. Hillary Clinton, the pantsuited warrior, has finally announced she's running for president (again). Of course she's running. She had to heed...
In a turn from her 2008 announcement, Clinton is taking a road trip from New York to Iowa.
Sen. Orrin Hatch and Rep. Paul Ryan want businesses to weigh in on tax reform. 
A bakery that has refused to bake a cake with an anti-gay wedding message has found itself at the centre of controversy. But unlike mirror image cases in which Christian bakers have been taken to court for refusing to bake