While gay activists are attacking Christian bakeries and wedding planners and filing lawsuits to put them out of business because of their religious beliefs, a Catholic priest has come up with a simpl
After a massive outbreak of Ebola cases struck Liberia last year, with bodies scattered on the stree...
The announcement ends two years of speculation and immediately establishes Mrs. Clinton as the likely Democratic nominee.
Social Ignorance Warriors- Bill Reader In most real-world conflicts, the key to victory lies not on a battlefield, or in any one special strategy or tactic, but inside your opponent's head. This ca...
Zeinab Khalil, a liberal Muslim activist who went to the University of Michigan, has complained that Michigan is an unsafe environment for Muslims. Her evidence? Supposed "oppression" of Muslims, s...
As right-of-center New Media grows stronger (and it is much stronger today than it was even in 2012), because the mainstream media is in reality a propaganda outlet to empower central government and boost those who share that goal, everyday
I used to get government assistance. I think it’s fine if taxpayers demand that their money is spent wisely.
Don’t be surprised to hear Republicans hammering the president’s party for its routine lawbreaking.
Mayor de Blasio isn’t ready for Hillary.
These students pulled off the nearly impossible task of getting accepted to all eight Ivy League universities.
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Maine has already seen a drastic reduction in the number of able-bodied adults with no children that are collecting food stamps from the state thanks to new rules put in place by Republican Gov. Paul LePages administration.
The arguments against same-sex marriage to be presented at the Supreme Court have been left to members of lower-profile firms.
Hillary Clinton’s upcoming run at the White House will reportedly have a unified backing from Hollywood Democrats, who were divided in their support between Hillary and eventual nominee Barack Obama in 2008.
PANAMA CITY — The leaders of the United States and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century on Saturday, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed un...
“It is a loser for the Democrats and so they shy away from it"
President Barack Obama blew a gasket over actions and criticism by Congressional Republicans regarding his negotiations with Iran about that country’s nuclear program, telling them, “It needs to stop!” Obama made the remarks at a closing press conference at the?

How the West Is Owned | Big Think

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The rough beauty of the American West seems as far as you can get from the polished corridors of power in Washington DC.

The Culture War Goes Nuclear

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

While everyone else was concentrating on Indiana and Iran last week, a much smaller piece of news broke that was of little interest to the wider world. It was so microscopic that I would have missed it entirely, if not for Sonny Bunch's indispensible blog, Everything's A Problem.
Gay rights groups and their allies were outraged when Indiana enacted a "religious freedom" measure that let businesses refuse to take part in same-sex weddings and other events they find objectionable. Opponents of the new law had an unassailable goal: protecting a small group of people from having their freedom trampled by an unsympathetic majority.
It's no wonder that California is drying up! 
The latest in a long line of race-based attacks.
The Social Security inspector general questioned the policy this month in light of the fact that Spanish is the predominant language in Puerto Rico.
I'm not usually in the business of offering responses to blog posts written by other people, but, especially after my piece on divorce yesterday, an overwhelming number of readers have demanded that I comment on this. It's an article titled "5 Reasons Why Marriage Doesn't Work Anymore," authored...
Clinton released an updated epilogue to the paperback edition of her book “Hard Choices,” focusing on the birth of her granddaughter.