National Security Advisor Susan Rice should resign.After the highly controversial prisoner swap in May of five hard-core Taliban commanders from Guantanamo for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Rice went on ABC’s “This Week” and said Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.”That was despite platoon mates accusing Bergdahl of abandoning his post.
Want Evidence of Hysterical Anti-Christian Bigotry? Look No Further than #BoycottIndiana -
Another Clinton presidency means new opportunities for scandal.
Scarborough: Obama Desperate for Deal; Will Give Iran Everything They Want
An economist with the U.S. Department of Labor who has a history of speaking to the press on behalf of the Obama administration took to Twitter to vent about Indiana’s new religious freedom law enacted late last week. Elizabeth Ashack…
Three prominent liberal activists — including the president of a large union — are calling for Elizabeth Warren to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, insisting that the Massachusetts senator’s participation in a competitive primary process would benefit the party.
Online hatred is a scourge that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of our beautiful and harmonious multicultural society.
Conservative group accuses Clinton of selling access for donations.
Free at last? Non-leftist Channel 20 requests permission to create a news department.
40 percent of states have a version of the law.
Pence Defends 'Religious Freedom' Law: 'We're Not Going to Change the Law'
You've got questions: How do RFRAs work? Why is everyone so mad about Indiana's? Do religious freedom protections hurt gays? We've got answers.
DANA BASH, CNN: I want to read to you a description, a Harvard law graduate, 40 something years old, two young daughters, in the senate for only two years who thinks he can be president. I could be describing you; I could be describing Barack Obama. SEN. TED CRUZ: True enough, but I think there are a lot more notable differences between us than the similarities. DANA BASH: That is true, but, you know, one of the key things that we're already hearing is you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to being in federal office or being in office at all and this you're, you know, too young and too inexperienced for the job. TED CRUZ: Dana, I think there are two sharp distinctions between where I am today and where Barack Obama was when he launched his campaign. Number one, in his time in the senate he had basically been a back bencher. He had not been leading on any issues. In my time in the Senate you can accuse me of being a lot of things but a back bencher is not one of them. DANA BASH: That may be true, but the big criticism of President Obama especially as the years have gone on is he didn't have any experience in an executive function, he didn't run any organization and the same can be said about you. What experience do you have to be commander in chief of the United States military, for example? TED CRUZ: Well, unlike Barack Obama, I was not a community organizer before I was elected to the senate. I spent 5 1/2 years as the solicitor general of Texas, the chief lawyer for Texas in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. I supervised and led every year before the state of Texas in a 4,000 agency with over 700 lawyers. Over the course of 5 1/2 years over and over again Texas led the nation defending conservative principles and winning.
Sorry John Holdren, but a new study found that global warming is not going to cause more extreme winter storms. Scientists at ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology found that “[a]
The nuclear talks have often seemed to focus on centrifuges, but the key to compliance is an ironclad monitoring regime, and it is proving elusive
A marriage controversy causes ire in Ireland.
When lawmakers don't even know how many laws exist, how can citizens be expected to follow them?
Following a similar shocking video at Cornell University released by James O'Keefe last week, Barry University officials in Florida also sanction a pro-ISIS ...
It was Earth Hour on Saturday. I know, I know, you probably missed it too. All around the world smug weather-worriers dimmed their lights, lit a candle and said a little prayer for the planet as everyone else just got
Television producer Rob Long sat down with Variety's PopPolitics radio show this week to offer up a number of theories as to why the entertainment industry--and Hollywood in general--is overwhelmingly liberal, and what the Republican Party can do to make headway among the Tinseltown crowd.
Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher calls on liberals to stop attacking people who agree with th...
By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A third of Republicans believe President Barack Obama poses an imminent threat to the United States, outranking concerns about Russian President Vladimir
Not even a lifeline could have helped her . . . There was a telling moment on today's Morning Joe when Joe Scarborough challenged April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks to cite some of President Obama's foreign-policy successes. Ryan was reduced to replying "that's kind of tough. Hmm, that's a tough one . . . I have to really ponder that."    