By David Alexander ABINGTON, Pa. (Reuters) - The U.S. military faces a challenge recruiting people with the high-tech skills it needs for the future as those who joined after the Sep. 11, 2001 attacks leave the service and the U.S. economy creates more jobs, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Monday.
Many people don't understand the seriousness of the Bergdahl charges, and even fewer understand the appropriateness of the maximum penalty. ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a dire warning Sunday about a possible nuclear accord with Iran as talks in Switzerland towards the outline of a deal intensified days before a deadline. He said the "Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis" was "dangerous for all of humanity" and that combined with Tehran's regional influence, a nuclear deal could allow Iran to "conquer" the Middle East. Israel, widely assumed to have nuclear weapons itself, is concerned that a deal that six powers are trying to agree the contours of by midnight on March 31 will fail to stop Iran from getting the bomb. Iran, hit hard by international sanctions, denies wanting nuclear weapons and insists that its atomic programme is purely for peaceful purposes.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has a solution for the GOP’s presidential election woes — double-down on conservatism. The Louisiana Republican is hoping the party avoids nominating a moderate in 2016, noting that candidates from the GOP’s center have failed to win the White House during the last two elections. Scalise thinks this...
Liberals against Religious Liberty in Indiana -
Here's a viral video that deserves a round of applause.
The Political Spectrum: The Path Toward Survival, an article by David R Young on Anti-Mainstream News.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has a solution for the GOP’s presidential election woes — double-down on conservatism. The Louisiana Republican is hoping the party avoids nominating a moderate in 2016, noting that candidates from the GOP’s center have failed to win the White House during the last two elections. Scalise thinks this...
#TheRefinery crew discusses the disgusting salaries certain government workers are taking in- for doing things like polishing coins and doing laundry! A fede...
Reince Priebus blasted Hillary for permanently deleting emails.
U.S. President Barack Obama returning to Washington from a golfing trip to Palm City, Florida, nearly slips but catches himself on the steps of Air Force One. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
The Obama administration is negotiating on behalf of Iran. Did we expect anything else?
The federal government has signed agreements with three foreign countries — Mexico, Ecuador and the Philippines — to establish outreach programs to teach immigrants their rights to engage in labor organizing in the U.S. The agreements do not distinguish between those who entered legally or illegally. They are part of a broader effort by the National Labor Relations Board to get immigrants involved in union activism. NLRB General Counsel Richard Griffin The five-member board is the agency that enforces the National Labor Relations Act, the main federal law covering unions. In 2013, Lafe Solomon, the board's then-acting general counsel, signed a memorandum of understanding with Mexico's U.S. ambassador. The current general counsel, Richard Griffin, signed additional agreements with the ambassadors of Ecuador and the Philippines last year.

Feminism vs. Truth

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Women in America are the freest in the world, yet many feminists tell us women are oppressed. They advocate this falsehood through victim mentality propagand...
Perhaps there have been reasons Republicans backed down from previous budget battles. Whatever their validity in the past, as the FY 2016 budget moves through the process, one ting is clear: If the GOP leadership pulls its punches during reconciliation, then it too is part of the problem in Washington.
After a marathon session, the Senate passed the budget 52-46 on Friday, with Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) casting “no” votes, and Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Barbara Mik...
Six service members died looking for him, five of the most dangerous Taliban commanders in U.S. custody were illegally exchanged for his release, $1 million in taxpayer dollars was spent on his retrieval, and the Obama administration insisted he "served with honor and distinction," yet the entire time, the White House knew that Bowe Bergdahl was a traitor who deserted his post in Afghanistan, risking the lives of his fellow service members.
In an era of rampant anti-Washington sentiment among voters, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wears his reputation as a conservative iconoclast and one of the least popular members of the Senate as a badge of honor. ...
Big news today about the NSA's telephone metadata bulk collection program. According to this AP article, even before Edward Snowden leaked information about the spying program there was much discussion about the costs of bulk collection of telephone data.
The “bomb guru” for the terrorist group the Weather Underground never served a day in jail — but he did spend decades teaching in New York City classrooms, a new book reveals. Ronald Fliegelman bui...

Ian C Jordan on Fixing Welfare

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

I give solutions on fixing welfare, and the definition of a bottom feeder.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, despite misgivings about ObamaCare, doesn't want it repealed and doesn't think congressional Republicans do, either. By Michael Tennant
Apparently the racist "Black Brunch" protests babies in Tacoma don't understand that if you disrupt people having brunch at a business that doesn't support your stupid demonstration, they can call ...
Universities, rather than being forums for free expression, are encouraging “safe spaces” to protect delicate sensibilities.
With a negotiating deadline on Tuesday, Iranian officials have backed away from a critical element of a proposed nuclear agreement, saying they are no longer willing to ship their atomic fuel out of the country.