Yeah here's how deep the Democrats' presidential bench - potential Hillary competitor Martin O'Malley stumbles when he's asked what is the greatest threat to America. Watch below: C'mon buddy how c...
Everyone has equal rights, or no one does.
Reddit interim CEO Ellen Pao sued her former employer Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers for discrimination claiming she was fired for being a woman. She lost every claim.
A study published today in the journal Science found that government biofuel policies rely on reductions in food consumption to generate greenhouse gas savings.
When Hillary Clinton formally announces her presidential bid–likely in the next month–some of her supporters would prefer that Bill Clinton not be by her side because his “unnecessary baggage” may overshadow her once again. According to a Politico report, “another
On "Fox and Friends Weekend," the president of Chi Alpha Bianca Davis told Anna Kooiman that she didn't see how a person who wasn't a Christian could effectively lead a Christian group.
President Barack Obama is being called out for dishonoring the United States of America by trading five Islamic terrorists for a known military deserter, former U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.
The progressive-libertarian dalliance is over
A former Iranian journalist who once had close ties to President Hassan Rouhani said top Obama administration officials are toeing such a conciliatory line at the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program that they appear to be speaking “on Iran’s behalf.” “The U.S. negotiating team are mainly there to...
Per a Washington Post report, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) claims that after the 2013 government shutdown over the Affordable Care Act both he and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) "had their money spigot turned off by (GOP) leadership because blocking access to money is how leadership disciplines members.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., helped secure billions of dollars in federal loan guarantees for at least nine corporate donors who contributed to a green energy nonprofit operated by his former staffers and a current campaign operative, according to the Free Beacon.
In an appearance on ABC's This Week, Indiana governor Mike Pence defended his state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act by noting that Barack Obama had voted for the same law as an Illinois state senator.
It was always a terrible idea, no matter how much the Regressives and the feminuts assert otherwise. Bad for men, bad for women, bad for morale... all to do what? Prove some idiotic counter-factual feminist point about 'equality'? And now, predictably, it's been infiltrated by the world's oldest profession at Fort Hood, of all places:It was supposed to be the Army private’s first—and only—time.

Andrew Klavan: Shut Up.

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Andrew Klavan reveals the strategy used to silence the criticism and ideas of conservative thinkers.
Ted Cruz's first week as a presidential contender has been paved with insults and mockery against him from establishment Republicans and leftist mainstream moron media, but there's at least one way...
In a fantastic story you just can't make up, a black lawmaker in the Indiana state legislature took to the floor and accused a colleague's child -- who can't yet talk -- of racism. The chamber was debating the controversial "religious freedom" bill when Democratic Rep. Vanessa Summers took aim at Republican Rep. Jud McMillin. "I told Jud McMillin I love his son, but he's scared of me because of my color," she said. "It's hard. It's true." Afterward, she defended the comments.
A California school dispute that arose when students wore shirts emblazoned with the American flag on Cinco de Mayo could prompt the Supreme Court to take a new look at free-speech rules for high schools.
MSNBC Military Analyst Col. Jack Jacobs said that the US doesn't have an "overarching military strategy"
MSNBC host Toure argued that there is "sexist, coded language" sometimes used to describe Hillary Clinton
Let's dispose of this myth once and for all. Every presidential election cycle we hear it: "Well, they said Ronald Reagan could never be elected." We're hearing this chestnut again in the wake of S...
It took Bibi Netanyahu almost a week to apologize properly for his inflammatory comment on Israel’s election day about Arab voters “heading to the polls in droves.” But even after four and a half years, there has been no apology from Barack Obama for his inflammatory remarks just before the 2010 election, when he exhorted Latinos to generate an “upsurge in voting” in order to “punish our enemies and . . . reward our friends.” Under normal circumstances, there would be no reason to link these episodes. But the White House pointedly reproached Netanyahu for his distasteful words. “This administration is deeply concerned by divisive rhetoric that seeks to marginalize Arab-Israeli citizens,” Obama spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the day after the election. The president himself declared in an interview that Netanyahu’s “rhetoric was contrary to what is the best of Israel’s traditions,” and warned that it “starts to erode the meaning of democracy in the country.” Fair enough — except for Obama’s egregious failure to meet his own standard.
The White House Doesn't Like Indiana's Religious-Liberty Law, But Won't Say Why It's Different from the One Obama Supported -
Glenn Kessler, editor of the Washington Post’s fact-check column, promised to make some changes in the wake of a Breitbart News report that showed Republicans are twice as likely as Democrats to be targeted by his fact checks. After our