A letter from Senate Republicans to Iranian leaders sparked a furious response from the White House on Monday, with administration officials accusing the GOP of seeking war and undermining its diplomatic efforts to stop Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
A letter by GOP senators telling the Iranians that they opposed any deal that gives Iran nukes has been criticized. Dissent is no longer patriotic.
At least nine states are considering a switch from federal to state health insurance exchanges should the Supreme Court rule against tax subsidies for policies bought on federal exchanges.
Sen. Tom Cotton was on MSNBC this morning defending the letter he and 46 other Senators sent to Iran, letting them know that any deal negotiated with the president isn't binding unless Congress agr...
Climate Alarmists Seek to Silence Dissenting Scientists through Legislation
Forty-seven U.S. Senators have released an open letter to the Iranian government warning that any nuclear deal signed by President Barack Obama could be revoked by a subsequent U.S. president unless it is ratified by the Senate. The letter, while addressed to the "Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran," is really a warning to Obama not to bypass Congress.

The Texas judge argued that the executive order, which would protect 4.7 million illegal immigrants from deportation, causes harm to the Lone Star State.

Giffords' husband, Mark Kelly, was turned away twice on gun purchases in 2013 because of certain requirements and stipulations of the current background check system.
The United States on Monday delivered more than 100 pieces of military equipment to vulnerable NATO-allied Baltic states in a move designed to provide them with the ability to deter potential Russian threats. The deliveries are intended to "demonstrate resolve to President (Vladimir) Putin and Russia that collectively we can come together," US Major General John R. O'Connor told AFP as he oversaw the delivery of the equipment in the port of Riga. The delivery included Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, Scout Humvees as well as support equipment and O'Connor said the armour would stay "for as long as required to deter Russian aggression". The three former Soviet-ruled Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all NATO and European Union members since 2004, have very little miliary hardware of their own.
“The president did email with Secretary Clinton,” Josh Earnest said. 

ACA price tag continues to drop

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Obamacare was affordable before, but as the law takes root, it's becoming even more affordable. All of the news surrounding the ACA lately has been great.
Dear Planet Fitness, I went to your website today looking to cancel my membership, but it says I have to do it in writing. I hope this letter will satisfy that requirement. Now, because you need this written down like it's a divorce filing, I thought I...
The presidential election is likely to be close, based on current evidence, despite early polls suggesting Mrs. Clinton is a strong candidate.
A global survey tracks peoples' willingness to live alongside neighbors of a different race.
News that Hillary Clinton exclusively used a private email account to keep secret her communications as Secretary of State should surprise no one. She came to Washington more than 20 years ago determined to keep secrets, and she's still at it.
Last week, Dr. Ben Carson, a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, stepped onto unstable political ground. Asked whether he believes that “being gay is a choice,” Carson stated that he “absolutely” did
Conservatives spend a lot of time talking principles, but not as much time as they should telling people what they want to do for the average American.
By the numbers, some of the country’s most underserved veterans
CBS Evening News: WH “Revised” Obama’s Misleading Answer On Clinton Email Scandal 3/9/15
Hillary Clinton's foundation says the money Algeria gave it was for a charitable cause, not favorable treatment. But plenty of bribes are given as charity.
Trey Gowdy told Megyn Kelly tonight that he's not interested in the wedding invitations. What he wants is the public documents she held in her personal email. No big surprise there. But near the en...
Erik Prince has a message for ISIS: You’re lucky Blackwater is gone... Last week, the controversial founder of the private military company had plenty to say about what the organization he once ran could be doing in the fight against the so-called Islamic State—and also why Republicans need to stop being such losers. “It’s a …
The following guest post is by William J. Upton The Daily Caller’s Eric Owens has an interesting piece up on a bizarre section in Barron’s AP European History (a study guide aimed at preparing high...
In response to the ATF attempt to regulate rifle ammunition, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) has reintroduced legislation to disband the agency.