The Prime Minister’s Speech - It was a speech for the ages, and no amount of carping from the White house can diminish its significance.
Netflix announced yesterday that it would be coming to Australia and New Zealand on March 24th, and within the first 200 words, the company abandoned its principled stand on net neutrality. As G...
Two committees are hearing our application in South Carolina on March 4. Here's how you can help.
It was almost a funny moment . . . until you realized that members of the press were openly laughing at the fecklessness of the ostensible leader of the free world. On today's Morning Joe, the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson, his voice occasionally cracking with emotion, repeatedly insisted that President Obama would use military force if necessary to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.  Andrea Mitchell eventually had enough, saying in a devastating aside "ask Bashar al-Assad," an allusion of course to how President Obama ran away from his red line in Syria.  Joe Scarborough laughingly joined in, repeating "ask Assad."   Even Mika Brzezinski couldn't suppress a smile [see screencap below.]
One landlord said Mohammed Emwazi’s family were ‘parasites’. They are still believed to be pocketing £40,000 a year in handouts despite there being no sign of them in Britain.
How Obama Is Giving Iran a Nuclear Arsenal - Obama’s treaty would give Iran the ability to quickly turn its enriched-uranium stockpile into bombs.
Says she was 'saddened' by his insult to U.S. intelligence
House Speaker John Boehner is losing influence in his conference, and relied on Democrat votes to pass a DHS funding bill on Tuesday.
A proposed government study of how media organizations gather news has incited a powerful backlash, particularly among conservatives, who said that it could be part of an official effort to intimidate...
How a Boehner and Pelosi 'understanding' resulted in a DHS funding deal.
Air Date: March 3rd, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fai...
Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich, who had recently launched a Republican campaign for governor, fatally shot himself Thursday in what police described as an apparent suicide, minutes after inviting reporters to his suburban St. Louis home for an interview.
Conservatives said Tuesday there are no plans to attempt to overthrow House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, despite the passage of a $40 billion Homeland Security Funding measure that does not curb President Obama's executive actions on immigration. Instead, their focus is on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. There is no discussion about deposing the Speaker, Rep. John Fleming, R-La., said. We elect a new speaker every two years and as far as we are concerned he is going to be our speaker for the rest of this term. Fleming is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, a faction of about 35 lawmakers who are conservative and tend to buck GOP leaders on legislation they believe veers too far to the middle. Fleming said the group met this week, and throwing out Boehner is not on the agenda, even though the speaker allowed the Homeland funding bill to pass with mostly Democratic support and the bill does not defund any of Obama's executive actions.
Netanyahu address a joint meeting of Congress for third time, like Churchill
(This refiled version of the story adds dropped letter in final paragraph)By Carey Gillam(Reuters) - Lawmakers and civil rights lawyers called on Wednesday for sweeping reforms in Ferguson, Missouri,
Come on out and witness history in the making! You have the chance to attend two committee hearings in MO this week!
'We invite an even more catastrophic event than what occurred on 09/11/2001'
Alabama Supreme Court Halts Gay-Marriage Licenses

Keeping your faith...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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The Latest Clinton Scandal Is Quintessentially Hillary - We’ve always known she was a secretive, entitled scofflaw. Now even the New York Times has noticed.
Israelis are increasingly convinced President Obama is meddling in their upcoming election, and some observers predict the White House's alleged effort to undermine Benjamin Netanyahu could indeed wind up tipping the scales – in favor of the prime minister.
Forced Blood Draws DNA Collection and Biometric Scans: What Country Is This? - Forced Blood Draws DNA Collection and Biometric Scans: What Country Is This? By John W. Whitehead  February 24 2015 “ The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between...
A federal judge warned the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday not to discriminate against conservative groups in how it responds to open-records requests, issuing a legal spanking.
At 26, Mr. Evans drafted the statement of principles upon which Young Americans for Freedom, the first substantial national conservative organization, was created.
(Reuters) - Florida-CAIR plans to sue the FBI in the death of Ibragim Todashev, a friend of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.