Netanyahu's shout-out to Reid did little to change his mind.
Amnestied Illegals May Receive Social Security As Early As 2017 -
The former secretary of state has decades of experience in managing controversy.
Outrage and conspiracy theories have spread in response to U.S. sanctions and furious rhetoric on state airwaves.
Sunday's New York Times front page conveniently cropped out half of the Selma march photo that contained George and Laura Bush who marched alongside President Obama in Alabama over the weekend. The caption under the photo reads: "President Obama and Representative John Lewis led thousands in a commemorative march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge." The full picture looks something like this:
You may be familiar with Truffaut's famous quote, "there's no such thing as an anti-war film," which captures the quandry of inadvertently glorifying war by giving it a cinematic representation. I ...


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Dissecting Republicans and their chances for regaining the White House next year is good, clean fun for most pundits and analysts, Democrats nearly all, because it distracts attention from what’s wrong in their own party. The conventional wisdom has been that the Democratic superstar would bury anyone unfortunate enough to be nominated by the Republicans. The only concern in Democratic ranks has been that Hillary Clinton would need a practice sprint in the primaries to tone and flex muscle in anticipation of November. If Hillary were a baseball team, her acolytes concede, she could still use a little spring training.
The White House is infuriated about an open letter to Iran penned by Senate Republicans, charging that lawmakers are butting into sensitive negotiations that are the purview of the executive branch for political gain.President Obama snarked that 'it's somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard-liners in Iran.
There is a double standard that separates college rape victims from their alleged attackers… or innocent bystanders who happen to resemble them.
Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape The whole wind energy mess just illustrates how the American people have been played by their elected officials who bought...
Netflix’s disputes with broadband providers, like Comcast, have zip to do with Net neutrality. Here's what you need to know about Net neutrality, and the Internet, to understand why.
News, Magazine: General David Petraeus, former CIA chief, does not see much cause for optimism regarding a deal with Iran: 'We cannot allow them to be on the brink of having a nuclear weapon'; believes 'threat from al-Qaeda remains very real, and it would be a mistake to think … al-Qaeda has gone away. It hasn’t'; and dismisses the idea that Syria's Assad can be part of the solution: 'He isn’t; he is a big part of the problem.'
With EVs and other fuel-efficient vehicles saving consumers money at the pump, Oregon will be the first to issue a per-mile road tax to refill its coffers.
The Obama administration is trying to ban M855 ball ammo, which is commonly used in AR-15 rifles, by claiming it's "armor-piercing." That is a complete lie.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission awarded the Charlie Hebdo journalists, who were slaughtered by Islamists in January, as Islamophobes of the year. The editor and cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo, Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, was slaughtered by Muslims in January.…
The controversial decision by the UC Irvine student body government to ban the American flag – as well as all other flags – speaks to broader generational shifts in views of patriotism. The decision has since been overturned.
Another feather in his cap.
M855 Ban--Death To the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF)? Maybe letting the ATF die a sudden death would put both the agency and gun owners out of their collective misery....
Obamacare exchange customers could see a significant spike in their premiums over the next few years as insurers face pressures from both the government and the marketplace, the Congressional Budget Office said Monday in a new analysis finding Obamacare is both cheaper and less comprehensive than predicted.
The New Yorker’s Gabriel Sherman took a deep-dive into the ongoing shipwreck that is NBC News. The most fascinating tidbit had nothing to do with the House of Cards-style machinations embroiling the Peacock Network. Buried under more than a dozen

Poll: Fox News most trusted network

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fox News has the most trusted network and cable news coverage in the United States, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday. But network TV is much less trustworthy than it was in the days of Walter Cronkite, American voters say. In comparison rankings, 29 percent responded that they trust Fox News the most. CNN follows with 22...
The typical American—and, indeed, Congress—views the president as having the powers of a . . . .
The latest version of a top-selling study guide for the Advanced Placement European History exam explains the French Revolution with a chart which identifies Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as
Pop Quiz: When is a Neocon Not A Neocon? Answer. When he's wrong. Which is most of the time. And that irks Charles Krauthammer. Dr. Krauthammer is an inter