Trump is going to be reinstated as president this August, reliable sources have informed us -- the best sources, everyone says so. When this happens, he has a lot of work to do returning America to its former greatness. Luckily, high-energy Trump is up to the task. He has already released a list of the first ten things on his agenda for when he gets back in of ...
Communist China Controls 200 Square Miles in Texas Right Next to Major U.S. Air Force Base   Kyle Bass is a very smart dude. I worked with him extensively in another career, as part of an oil …
Donald Trump really does believe that he, along with two former GOP senators, will be ‘reinstated’ to office this summer.
California has been experiencing the worst drought in over 40 years. This has happened only a few years after a five year dry spell left farmlands barren and fueled some of the most destructive wildfires in state history.
Democrats and much of the media are pushing to make permanent the extraordinary, pandemic-driven measures to relax voting rules during the 2020
The investigation has to do with campaign contributions made by employees who worked for Mr. DeJoy when he led a North Carolina logistics company, his spokesman said.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - After a batch of his emails were made public through an FOIA request, a desperate, frantic Dr. Fauci called in an expert technician to make sure no more damaging emails were made public.The technician, renowned Beltway-area email server technician Hilgo Clintmann, arrived in his van and began to inspect Fauci's modest email server co ...
Murders in Los Angeles County have skyrocketed more than 95% so far this year compared to the same period in 2020, and other areas of crime also saw increases, with the local sheriff calling the uptick "very, very troublesome." 
RealClearPolitics took fact-checkers to task in a new report lambasting the likes of PolitiFact and FactCheck.org for botching their analysis of the Wuhan lab leak theory, concluding that they now find themselves in an "embarrassing position."
That Congressional Republicans felt forced to block the creation of a commission to investigate the events surrounding the Jan. 6 occupation of the U.S. Capitol by protesters claiming allegiance to President Donald J. Trump is both regrettable and completely understandable.
A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy. Miami Houstan of Texas shared a video on Instagram that

Putting energy security at risk

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order revoking the Keystone XL pipeline permit, a safe and efficient method of transferring crude oil critical to the future of North American energy independence, putting over 11,000 Americans out of work and raising energy costs for American families during our recovery from the global coronavirus pandemic.

The New Book Burners

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Halifax’s public library is standing firm in support of free speech, the latest lockdown double standards and the ongoing prosecution of Aylmer's Church of God. Tune into The Andrew Lawton Show!
The NBA’s Dallas Mavericks stopped playing the national anthem before home games at the direction of owner Mark Cuban in February. In reaction to the move, Texas Republicans passed a bill called the "Star Spangled Banner Act," requiring the anthem to be played before professional sports games in Texas lest teams want to give up their funding and business relationship with the state.
Big-spending politicians will have to go where the money is—in citizens’ purses and wallets.
When we come at Silicon Valley’s kings, we best not miss again.
A US Army veteran’s microphone was cut off during a Memorial Day event as he discussed the role freed black slaves played in the holiday’s origins.
President Joe Biden is opposing creating a Jan. 6 presidential commission, Axios reported Thursday.
Photos circulated on Iranian social media of sailors wearing life jackets evacuating the vessel as a fire burned behind them.
The advocates of protest civics and CRT are far from done with their crusade. As of now, however, they have both got a major battle on their hands.
A dark-money operation tied to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer funded ads which tried to suppress Republican voter turnout by attacking swing-state A dark-money operation tied to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer funded ads which tried to suppress Republican voter turnout by attacking swing-state senators from the right, potentially putting control of the Senate in Schumer's hands.
Katie Hill has reportedly been ordered to pay about $220,000 in attorneys’ fees after losing her lawsuit against media outlets that printed her naked photos, according to a report.
Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he has received death threats ...