Amid the recent frenzy of FOIA emails revealing that Dr. Fauci was warned by a NIH scientist in February 2020 about the possibility of a Lab-Leak, CNN found itself excited only
As Matt first reported, California's wokesters are launching a working group to study possible scenarios for awarding reparations to African American residents. It's the first such initiative in the U.S.
‘If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself’
Mace announced on social media earlier this week that her Charleston home had been vandalized with vile graffiti along with Antifa symbols.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - A glitch in Google Maps' navigation feature has been instructing thousands of conservative users to drive off a cliff and die, sources confirmed Wednesday.Google apologized for the inconvenience and says it is looking into the 'innocent error.'For unknown reasons, our Maps app is telling conservative users to drive o ...
A United States government official reportedly ordered his employees not to publicly acknowledge American funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
Should there be a box at the bottom of your tax return that lets you donate to a state abortion fund? It's one of the things some people are calling for as the legislative session starts to wind down.
After going viral in a TikTok video for opposing critical race theory, Kory Yeshua, alongside his daughter Royalty, explained on "Fox & Friends" Thursday what inspired him to push back on the racially charged academic movement.
Fauci said the United States and China are both doing 'a lot of pointing of fingers' but need to 'keep an open mind and go after the truth.'
The Founders would be among the first to tell you they did not possess all the answers to everything. But they were confident that a free people would eventually come up with better answers
Minneapolis city workers could be seen at the intersection at George Floyd Square early Thursday morning – the site of a memorial where former police officer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee in the upper body of Floyd last May. 
The president made the legislative proposal in a meeting with Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, but negotiators remain far apart.
SALEM, Ore. (KATU) — Starting next year, Oregon will waive application fees for state-issued IDs for homeless people under a bill that passed through the state legislature on Wednesday. House Bill 3026 bars the Oregon DMV from charging the $44. 50 ID card application fee to people experiencing homelessness. It also requires the DMV to issue up to two free replacement cards before the card is set to expire.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a photo of her grandmother’s Puerto Rico home in a state of disrepair in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria to demonstrate how the U.S. had blocked relief to the territory, but some questioned why she hadn’t offered to help repair the home herself.
Andrew Kerr The Pentagon said it has “full confidence” in Bishop Garrison, the official leading an effort…
On Wednesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX) said that | Clips
(CNN) Brave anchor Chris Cuomo has made it very clear that it is illegal to read emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request that make Dr. Anthony Fauci look like a complete ass. Fauci, America's highest paid government employee, was the subject of an email dump that lent insight
In April, the state of Florida sued the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) after the…
Dr. Anthony Fauci rejected claims that he was warned last January that the coronavirus could have been “engineered,” instead blaming the reports on critics who “resent” him.
The Equality Act is "right now in the Senate, and really for the safety and bodily integrity of these women, it really should be stopped," Shrier said.
U.S. infectious disease chief Anthony Fauci made an urgent inquiry about controversial gain-of-function research in February 2020 as the coronavirus was
L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said homicides were up 95% this year, and that his department would issue more concealed carry permits.
Historical Population Density Data - U.S. In this article, the analysis of housing density in the United States from 1910 to 2020.