Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he has received death threats ...
A former spy chief says it will be hard to prove a Chinese virology lab caused the pandemic because evidence "has probably been destroyed".
Big news coming out of New Mexico. A sheriff who is running for mayor of Albuquerque was holding a political event that was torpedoed by an unusual distraction — a sex toy attached to a flying drone. If that wasn't hard enough on the sheriff, he was punched. Manuel Gonzales III, a Democrat, was spe...
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday pushed back against critics questioning his relationship with China after emails revealed the nonprofit that helped fund some of the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology thanked him for publicly coming out and saying evidence points to the coronavirus not coming from a lab leak. | Clips
Journalist Andy Ngo is speaking out after reports Antifa thugs in Portland, Oregon, severely beat a man as he documented the ongoing violence.
"If we want to reduce violent crime, reduce the number of people in our jails, the answer is to stop building more of them," Ocasio-Cortez suggested.
Washington, DC, police are seeking a Maserati driver who shot a mother last month during a road rage incident.
A private security firm hired a high-ranking U.S. Secret Service agent as CEO one week after he helped Hunter Biden.
Former President Donald Trump pointed to the trove of emails belonging to Dr. Anthony Fauci to demand the scientist answer “questions.”
A former University of Oklahoma volleyball player is suing her former coaches and the Board of Regents saying they suppressed her freedom of speech, inflicted emotional distress, and caused harm to her economic advantage among other claims. Kylee McLaughlin played for OU from 2018 through 2020. During her volleyball career she received several distinctions for her athletic and academic achievements.
Parents in Loudoun County filed a lawsuit against the school board alleging that they've been engaging in political and racial discrimination.
New York, Portland, Los Angeles and Minneapolis are some of the cities that have registered an overwhelming increase in crime after reducing the police budget.
Dr. Anthony Fauci rejected claims that he was warned last January that the coronavirus could have been “engineered,” instead blaming the reports on critics who “resent” him.
Top House GOP lawmakers are now demanding the unredacted communications from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National ...
Half of GOP voters say the Republican Party's base is becoming "more conservative" than the party's leadership, a poll shows.
Andrew Trunsky The Daily Caller News Foundation again demanded Thursday that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot stop denying…
Step right up and get your Covid tracking bracelet   I guess a Scarlet letter for shaming and social stigmatizing wasn’t available.         Hmm, didn’t Hitler d…
State Department staffers were warned against investigating the origin of COVID-19 because it could “open a can of worms,” a former official revealed in a bombshell report.
The Pentagon said it has "full confidence" in Bishop Garrison, the official leading an effort to root out domestic extremists from the military who in 2019 equated support of former President Donald Trump to support of extremism.
Unsurprisingly, pride flags only fly where lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people already have rights. And unsurprisingly, the Biden Administration has nothing to say about it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden announced Thursday the U.S. will swiftly donate a first tranche of 25 million doses of surplus vaccine overseas through the U.N.-backed COVAX program, promising infusions for South and Central America, Asia, Africa and others at a time of glaring shortages abroad and more than ample supplies at home.
Should there be an investigation?
Like Margaret Thatcher, Benjamin Netanyahu is being brought down by rivals on the right after over a decade of astonishing success.
As Texas border counties struggle to contain the overwhelming surge of illegal immigrants, Abbott says enough is enough: 'We're going to start arresting.'