Kathy Griffin thinks old white men — read Trump fans — are conspiring to destroy her comedy career. It's a theory. But it's just as likely she can't book gigs because she wasn't funny in the first place.
Polling is indicating that public approval of the institution is on the rise.
Top Republicans on Wednesday demanded that Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael Atkinson explain why the watchdog hasn't said if it's investigating "a number of leaks of highly sensitive information" in recent years -- and released several previously unpublished texts and emails from since-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok.
Chinese Christians fear that they will lose points in the nation's "social credit system" simply for their faith.
Moments after Joe Biden announced a Latino voter outreach program, the Trump campaign purchased the URL and claimed the Twitter handle of the same name.
"I do not promote violence," said Midler before praising the violence.
President Trump on Thursday awarded the Medal of Freedom to auto racing mogul Roger Penske, the fourth sports legend he’s bestowed the honor to since late August.
The failure to vote on an inquiry allows Schiff to make up the rules as he goes along.
The former attorney general of Mexico's Pacific coast state of Nayarit, hit...
The U.S. Department of Justice’s administrative review into the origins of the Russia investigation has a taken a major turn into a full-fledged criminal investigation. The review, led by U.S. attorney John Durham, has shifted from being an administrative review into being a criminal investigation, The New York Times reported, noting that the move gives […]
...to paraphrase the former head of the Soviet secret police to Stalin: show me the man and I will find you the crime.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Thursday called for "more justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor" for the U.S. Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Republican lawmakers caused a scene when they stormed a closed-door impeachment inquiry meeting. But this isn't the first time GOP legislators have stormed a closed door in the last week: newly released security footage from a local Chick-fil-A showed the group of Republican politicians storming the closed-door restaurant demanding t …
Talk about putting the “men” in menstruation! On Tuesday it was announced that feminine hygiene product brand Always would be removing the Venus female symbol from its packaging. CBS News reported, “The announcement follows pleas from LGBTQ activists to make the labeling more inclusive of transgender and non-binary customers.”
These jack-o'-lanterns have a New York community demanding answers.
Republicans need to maintain their pressure on the Democrats.
A new high of 56% of U.S. women would prefer to work outside the home rather than stay home and take care of the house and family.
White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham reiterated President Trump's comment that "Never Trumper Republicans" are "human scum."
The case of 7-year-old "transgender" boy James Younger reveals the similarity between gender dysphoria spreading on social media and mass hysteria like the Salem witch trials.
The Justice Department inspector general's report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is "lengthy."
The Daily Caller reached out to politicians from Texas to get their responses about a state jury deciding against James Taylor's father.
As The Daily Wire reported this afternoon, the judge in the James Younger case has effectively nullified the jury verdict by giving the father joint conservatorship over his son, which includes a say in the boy’s “transition.” This would seem to be the best possible outcome we could have hoped for in a messy and tragic […]
Energy Department Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette said that Chinese pollution has "offset" American gains to reduce pollution in one month.
CNN failed to disclose that a Biden apologist it invited on air had a significant, long-standing business relationship with Burisma.