Oxford University Student's Union have passed a motion to ban clapping on campus, claiming that it would trigger the anxiety of students.
Just after the Biden campaign rolled out a Latino voter outreach program Wednesday, the Trump campaign quickly figured out another way to “own the libs" by buying the URL for Biden's new campaign slogan. 
The Democrats hope that talk of impeachment will buzz about Trump’s head like a cloud of horse flies, discommoding, distracting, disconcerting him
See what happens when he tries to access them, though.
A new study out of Penn State’s Political Science Department found that rather than conservative content online leading to radicalization, as the popular “gateway” narrative insists, the reverse appears to be true. The study, titled “A Supply and Demand Framework for YouTube Politics,” published online in October, takes a closer look at the popular narrative that […]
Who thought this was a good idea?
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., didn't mince words at a press conference on Thursday as he touted his resolution formally condemning House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, saying the proceedings defy historical precedent and deny fundamental "due process" to the White House.
Judge Kim Cooks has ruled that the father and mother of 7-year-old James Younger will remain in joint managing conservatorship and both have a say in his medical treatment.
Sharyl Attkisson has delivered a report that explains exactly why President Donald Trump is not guilty of the quid pro quo he is accused of.
No one runs America. That’s the terror and the beauty of American life in a nutshell, the answer to the secret of how 300 million people from many different places can live together between two oceans, sharing a future-oriented outlook that methodically obliterates any ties to the past. All prior lived experience is transformed into …
Rudy Giuliani previously teased that Hunter Biden’s Romania scandal would be surfacing and here we are. The Biden crime family’s scandal just expanded from Ukraine and China into Romania. In 2016, the final year of the Obama Administration, Hunter Biden traveled to Romania to meet with a shady real estate tycoon who was accused of …
Students at Oxford University have voted to replace clapping with a silent wave to avoid triggering someone's anxiety.
A Massachusetts lawmaker is seeking to make the use of the b-word a fineable offense, with jail terms possible for repeat offenders.
Joe Biden claimed “China is not our problem” on Tuesday, appearing to once again flip-flop on the threat posed by the communist regime.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry dismisses Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's allegations of election interference.
LGBT promoter Father James Martin has questioned whether the biblical condemnation of homosexual behavior may be mistaken.
Following the recent criticism of the Chinese-owned app TikTok, China's state-run newspaper Global Times has claimed that the app should be praised for "preventing cyber terrorism."
I've been told that law students prepping for the Bar Exam are told that if the Tenth Amendment is ever among the answers on a multiple-choice question, they can immediately rule it out. Future
The judge ruled today that James Youngers parents will have joint guardianship over him, which includes making joint medical decisions.
Another freshman Democrat in the House is under investigation for allegedly sleeping with a staffer, among other possible violations of House ethics rules.
Elizabeth Warren wants to batten down the hatches but unlike a ship captain who feels a duty to protect his passengers from an impending storm, Warren’s mission is to prevent them from escaping to safety—well, at least the poor ones. In her just released education plan, she isn’t throwing educational lifeboats to anybody who can’t …
California congresswoman Katie Hill, 32, has been seen in a series of shocking pictures with her female staffer obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com.