The real estate industry injected $4.3 million into President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. Today, the industry remains a funder for his reelection.
The people must be consulted from time to time. This is one of those times.
San Francisco is showing arrogance with its decision to blacklist doing business with companies from 22 states that have “restrictive abortion laws," the former Chairman of the California Republican Party said Wednesday. 
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier for referring to him as a “white man” while discussing GOP lawmakers storming the secretive impeachment inquiry on Wednesday. Rep. Gaetz was responding to an interview on Morning Joe in which Rep. Speier said that their protest was “a high school prank by a bunch of …
The plan is simple enough — forcing insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers to pass on drug rebates to patients directly at the point of sale.
Throughout history, communist leaders have been obsessed with their own image. Sometimes, this extends into death.
Americans are happier than ever before, and it’s all thanks to Ronald Reagan. This unexpected finding comes to us thanks to a study from the University of Warwick, in England. The Warwick researchers measured happiness by identifying, in over eight...
Rep. Steve Scalise (Getty Images/Mark Wilson)
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The ancient god Moloch has announced that in lieu of the actual blood sacrifice of your children, you can now simply force your kids to become transgender as an alternative."Honestly, I still prefer killing your kids in ritual sacrifice or aborting them," he said at a press conference. "I guess I'm old-fashioned like t …
Steve Scalise unloaded on Adam Schiff's handling of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
Clapping will instead be replaced by ‘jazz hands’, where students wave their hands in the air.
He remembers who visited him, and it wasn't Biden.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addresses the Heritage Foundation’s President’s Club meeting in Washington on Tuesday. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images)
The president had said in an interview just three days ago that he no longer wanted to have hard copies of the two newspapers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Democrats' initial level of impeachment inquiry can be done in secret thanks to House rules passed by a Republican majority in 2015, Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano explains.
President Donald Trump got back on Twitter Wednesday afternoon in order to pronounce NeverTrump Republicans "human scum."
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday that the GOP dismantled a suggestion from Envoy William Taylor of a quid pro quo in the impeachment inquiry.
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, head of the Angel Families organization, scolded pro-sanctuary city Senators during a committee hearing.
"Does anyone really believe Washington bureaucrats could be trusted to manage the individual care of hundreds of millions of Americans?"
TPD has arrested a suspect who allegedly set a woman on fire Wednesday night at a Tallahassee Taco Bell.
Social engineering at its finest.
Syria critics appear to believe that backing a Marxist splinter group aligned with the anti-American, pro-Iranian axis in its war against an ally is sound.
The elite British university's student union voted to mandate the use of "jazz hands" at student council meetings and other school events.
Steve Scalise unloaded on Adam Schiff's handling of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
(TNS) Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) gets it. He understands that in order to save our republic from the diabolical fucktards who are attempting to overturn the 2016 election and destroy our country from…