A federal law that for more than 50 years has banned licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults between age 18 and 21 is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
Liberal media figures including Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, and Lester Holt have all called for the GOP to be treated differently than the Democratic Party.
A newly-formed coalition is hoping to prevent Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from becoming the next speaker of the House. <!--[endif]-->
The safety measure reflects concern about large-scale sexual assaults at public events in Germany.
Is Democrat on Democrat shade is going mainstream? Probably not, but
The pandemic is wreaking a particular kind of havoc in the households of loan-laden American white-collar workers. ‘I will never claw my way out of this situation.’

Newsom 2024? Really?

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Plus: Gillum’s fall and the gas-tax-holiday flop
On March 18, 2011, Sidney Blumenthal — Clinton’s longtime friend and political adviser — sent the then secretary of state an email to her private account that contained apparently highly sensitive information he had received from Tyler Drumheller, a former top CIA official with whom Blumenthal at the
BLM protesters shut down an ACLU discussion on free speech at the College of William and Mary last week before it even began.
The biased mainstream media has been twisting the truth for long enough. Learn how to confront and defeat fake news. You'll be glad you did.
Donald Trump is a once in a generation candidate. It seems that both parties get one. Every decade or so, one of the parties get a…
President Biden claimed in a recent speech that state election reform efforts are "the 21st Century Jim Crow assault" and "the most dangerous threat to voting and integrity of free and fair elections in our history."
Pro-abortion rioters attempted to storm the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the state's senate was in session.
Clinton Says That the Second Amendment DOES NOT Protect an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
You might think that two groups who both hate Jews and want to slaughter them would be the best of friends.
You must have a heart of stone not to burst
Dr. Jill Biden’s first husband spoke up this week publicly for the first time in decades, announcing he is voting for President Donald Trump.
Why would any American hate America First policies?  Why would American politicians despise America First?  Why would someone born, raised, and rearing
Executive director of Mother and Child Education Center joined "Fox & Friends First" to discuss her organization supporting families after violent pro-choice protesters target her group in Portland.
An Egyptian Muslim lawyer has been sentenced to three years in prison after he claimed that men have a “national duty” to rape women who wear ripped jeans. Nabih al-Wahsh made the horrific remarks while participating on a panel on the Egyptian ?Infra Show? on Oct. 19. The topic of discussion was a proposed law?
His "non-partisan" plea has caused controversy, since royals are expected to stay politically neutral.
Brown University offered a course that explicitly excluded white and Asian students from enrolling.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Searching for a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that an immigration agreement could be reached in two ph
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