One of the few times Joe Biden and Obama embraced democratic change was in the Arab Spring, when "democracy" meant the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of appeals has ruled 8-2 General Michael Flynn will not have his case dismissed as the Department of Justice has requested and must move forward
All of those fascinating, genealogical searches that allow you to trace your family tree by way of a DNA sample can now be used against you and those you love.
U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick has filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania court to compel the counting of Republican mail-in ballots submitted without a handwritten date on the outside envelope in a bid to close the gap with primary opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas says he’s reluctant to call for judicial retention elections for the U.S. Supreme Court in the wake of recent decisions on Obamacare and gay marriage, but that he believes a majority of the justices are not honoring their oaths.
A friend likens The New York Times to a 1960s adolescent who refuses to grow up.  In a perpetual state of outrage, it is a newspaper of college snowflakes who embrace all forms of diversity except …
Yesterday, President Trump unleashed a broadside against the Four Harridans of the House, who apparently have styled themselves as “The Squad” for reasons known only to them. This blast came as the Democrats were acting like a coyote trying to get out of a steel trap. There has been comment on what it all means. Here are our offerings: Point: Bonchie As Democrats Fight a | Read More »
For the first time, this summer’s riots have spread beyond far-left megacities to Anytown, USA — and the political risks to Democrats are clear.
Will all the Democratic Party luminaries who claimed Barrett’s confirmation would mean the end of the health-care law now apologize?
The Defense Department has received recommendations for the new names of several of the U.S. Army’s most storied military posts, slated to be rechristened
Should our understanding be reserved only for Muslim extremists?
In a new video from ReasonTV, John Stossel argues that places like California and Catalonia (in Spain) should be allowed to secede from their parent governments if they want to.
Scherie Murray, a New York businesswoman who immigrated from Jamaica as a child and is active in state Republican politics, is launching a campaign Wednesday for the congressional seat held by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Fox News has learned.
Gov. Phil Murphy signed the bill into law Tuesday.
More than 50 House Republicans are urging President Biden to remove Vice President Kamala Harris from her role dealing with the migrant crisis that has overwhelmed the southern border in recent months -- accusing her of "inaction" on the crisis due to her failure to visit the border.
Thomas Catenacci  The Biden administration announced Thursday it would allow farmers to harvest conserved lands early in an attempt to boost supplies amid
Army chief of staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on Friday he has no plans to arm recruiters or add security ...
Actor-comedian Louis C.K. admitted in a lengthy letter published Friday that he’s masturbated in front of multiple women, mere months after calling any sexual misconduct allegations against him “rumors.” “I want to address the stories told
This would have been a devastating point if it were in any way correct.
U.S. Border Patrol agents found a missing girl in a big rig truck more than 400 miles away from her home, authorities said Friday.
Gone is any excuse for silence. CRT is in our schools due only to a loud and aggressive minority concentrated in today’s political, educational and media establishments. It will be driven into the obscurity it deserves if the majority continues to speak up.

Why We Need Alpha Males

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

My colleague, Annie Holmquist, discovered some statistics about the decline in masculinity that have troubled me since the moment I looked over them. Here’s
The former secretary of state has lost ground since April.
Rather than embrace the good, the true, and the beautiful, many of the schools have adopted the politically correct fads of secular universities.