The Trump administration this week made good on its threat to withdraw funding from the World Health Organization – which is part of its plan to drop out of the international group entirely.
On Monday's broadcast of the Fox Business Network's "Evening Edit," Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) argued that "every city and every state is a border city and | Clips

WILLIAMS: Why Memorial Day Matters

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Veterans stand proud to serve our Constitution and the American people.
Democrats don't give a "fart" about legally required government email transparency, as even Democrats now admit.
A Pennsylvania Democrat resigned from his position on Monday night after being charged with child porn and abusing children last month.
By Jon Dougherty (NationalSentinel) While the Democrat Party is doing everything in its power to import its next congressional and presidential majorities, President Donald Trump and most Republica…
DC is unrepresentative of America and undeserving of statehood It is home to radical media, tens of thousands of bureaucrats, lawyers, and lobbyists, all yoked to big government They hate our heritage and are not the real America
President Trump in his latest statement just raised a lot of eyebrows in his latest statement. In recent weeks multiple outlets and political commentators have stated that President Trump will be reinstated soon. Trump who’s always quick to comment on ongoing news hasn’t denied that he will be reinstated but rather in his latest statement...
"There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI," jury forewoman declares after verdict.
An American dentist from Minnesota has allegedly killed an iconic Zimbabwean lion named Cecil with a bow and arrow in a trophy hunt. The Internet is outraged, perhaps rightly so. It is telling, however, that the deaths of thousands of ordinary Zimbabweans, and the starvation and displacement of millions, have failed to rouse anything like the same level of anger.
At Right to Life of Michigan we’ve been flooded with a rash of calls and requests lately of a most disturbing nature. Patients and their families are finding
Looking across the pond at Great Britain, a longtime conservative political scientist predicts Boris Johnson will bring an invigorating voice for conservatism as the prime minister.
On the 100th night of riots in Portland, one of the far-left militants threw a Molotov cocktail in an attempt to hit police… but lit his fellow rioter on fire instead. Ironically, police officers had to step in to help them put it out. Graphic: #Antifa rioters throw a Molotov cocktail in direction of police…
Harry Wilmerding  President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he would nominate Cindy McCain to be the U.S. representative to the United Nations Agencies
A House Democrat Thursday said his party will abolish the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court to pass gun legislation.
The alleged incidents took place with employees, interns and job applicants at the “Charlie Rose” show.
The researchers say that the discovery could help create a natural—and potent—form of pain relief without the risk of addiction of other painkillers.
The United States is making "strong progress" with its unemployment rates after the coronavirus shutdowns earlier this year, Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia commented Monday about a report showing the nation's jobless numbers at 8.4 percent. "It's a really good report,"...
Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen predicted Thursday on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" that Manhattan prosecutors investigating the Trump Organization have enough evidence to file criminal charges. | Clips
The Pulitzer Prize Board won’t say if it's still reviewing the awards it gave media outlets guilty of promoting the Russia collusion hoax.
The New Liberalism: Their Hurt Feelings Trump Your Constitutional Rights
Elizabeth Warren backtracks from previous comments, says Democratic primary was "slightly biased" but mostly "fair."

America's 11 poorest cities

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Years of economic upheaval, along with the Great Recession, have left many U.S. cities financially battered
Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather doubled down Tuesday on his support for a story in The Atlantic claiming Trump disparaged the troops.
NH Gov. Sununu signed a bill that bans abortions after 24 weeks and bans teaching that individuals are inherently racist.