We need a president who spends more time at the White House than building sandcastles.
Back in January, I wrote about how we should not expect substantial changes to Cuba's communist political system despite the "thaw" in relations between it and America. Dissidents in Cuba know this is true, and events this past weekend prove it. John Kerry's scheduled to visit the island on this Friday brought protesters to the streets of Havana on Sunday. Among them were the Ladies | Read More »

Thanksgiving ratings drop for NFL

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

So much for having a captive audience. Though the quality of the games may not always be great, the NFL has enjoyed years of solid ratings on the fourth Thursday in November, because football and T…
A Houston-area man who social media activist Shaun King falsely accused of murdering a seven-year-old black girl late last year has died from an apparent suicide.
US News: US President Donald Trump has been nominated for 2021 Nobel Peace Prize following his efforts to broker peace between Israel and the United Arab Emir
President Joe Biden is old enough to tempt many into thinking he was actually there when the nation was born. But his recent comments about the Second
Los Angeles mayoral co-front-runner Rep. Karen Bass, in a Fox News interview on the eve of the California primary, says if elected she’ll be "smart on crime"
Obama is now trying to make it so that anyone who criticizes him is put in jail. One feisty journalist released footage Wednesday proving that he’s recently been the target of repeated retribution attempts from the federal government for embarrassing them over our porous borders. James O’Keefe filmed himself spectacularly violating immigration laws and then …
Anita Hill dismissed and rebutted credible allegations of sexual assault against former President Bill Clinton as his administration was subsumed by sex scandals, and urged women to support Clinton de
True fiscal conservatives say it’s irresponsible to raise the debt ceiling without any reform of our profligate spending.
If he doesn’t win, he could at least use his nomination in a campaign ad juxtaposed against the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
The House passed legislation Tuesday night to remove the Confederate statues and artwork that are present in the U.S. Capitol.
On June 6, hundreds from London’s Muslim community marched to the London Muslim Mosque as part of ongoing commemorative events to mark the one-year anniversary…
Ahmed Shafiq, who was living in the UAE, declared his intention to run in Egypt's 2018 election days ago.
If there has ever been a speech that everyone needs to see regarding Obama's plan to take our guns. This is the one! In this clip we see an army vet that ser...
s the latest Democratic assassination effort—the bunk about President Trump disparaging American war dead on the centenary of the end of World War I—fades into ignominy with its propagator, the egregious Jeffrey Goldberg, acknowledging that anonymous denunciators are insufficiently convincing, we may dare to hope that in the last seven weeks of this tumultuous campaign, …
As part of their strategy to combat "extremism," Facebook is issuing a new warning to users about "harmful" content an individual may have been exposed to. They're also urging users
Laurie Vandermeulen speaks out to Laura Ingraham on "The Ingraham Angle" after accusing Loudoun County Schools of a cover-up of sexual assaults by a student.
Top Democratic officials have dropped their threat to shut down the government if the GOP does not approve a “clean Dream Act.”
Mika Brzezinski has taken to an ugly new level the liberal media's accusations against President Trump in the wake of the weekend's mass shootings. On today's Morning Joe, Brzezinski actually accused the President of wanting such mass murders to happen: "Isn’t it okay to deduce that at this point this is what he wants? . . . I mean, this is a President who seems to want these things to happen. How else can this be explained?"
If Trump had been "honest" about the Virus, would Democrats have listened?
Even the president's most entrenched political opposition cannot seem to find much to engage or enrage. 
With the US government releasing official inflation numbers today at the “shocking” level of 8.6% (via the CPI) — with real inflation
Adviser to parliamentary speaker rejects British foreign secretary’s suggestion that Rouhani indicating ‘more nuanced approach’ to Jewish state
After weeks of speculation that Democrats would be forced to disassociate from Senator Al Franken (D-MN) over allegations of sexual abuse, top Democratic senators finally signaled that they wanted Franken gone on Wednesday. But they’re not stopping there.