
Britain thought "their exit from the European Union would save them," says ISIS publication.


Lower corporate taxes could supercharge the economy and boost company earnings, says Nigam Arora.


The seemingly fractured Democratic Party may face another setback ahead of the 2018 elections, Peter Doocy reported.


America's resident shrew, Senator Elizabeth Warren, understands abortion is becoming increasingly unpopular with American, especially in light of congress now offering to defund Planned Parenthood in both houses. She now is pushing the age-old canard that pro-life is code for anti-woman.


Designers say the app is meant to let people know if they are in a dangerous area and allow them to avoid places in the French capital where they might be at risk of violence or crime.


Barack Hussein Obama spent the week leading up to America’s celebration of independence in his childhood home and Muslim-majority, Indonesia ...


Top Clinton ally Paul Begala said the US should consider bombing Russia in retaliation to Hillary Clinton’s loss. Clinton aide ...


Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been released from federal prison in Minnesota. The Illinois Republican had been serving a 15-month sentence for banking violations. Hastert was convicted in ...


President Donald Trump's commission investigating voter fraud may request voter roll data from U.S. states, a federal judge ruled on Monday, in a setback for groups that contend the effort could infringe on privacy rights.


Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY)


Sacramento It’s common to hear complaints about a “do nothing” Congress, but California’s Legislature has the opposite problem. It wants to do just about everything. Whether it’s fighting global warming or creating a new state-run mini Social Security system to bolster private pensions, California’s legislators don’t lack any sense of ambition. This week, they’ve announced their goal of solving the state’s housing mess. For California taxpayers and wannabe homebuyers, some advice is in order. Be very afraid. State officials often identify actual crises. Their solutions are the problem. They always involve higher taxes, new bureaucracies, more subsidies, and additional regulations


Trump told members at his New Jersey golf club that the reason he frequented the golf property so often was because "that White House is a real dump."


Author- Maria Santana No better time to have a book or movie set during the First World War than now. I have stated this on a previous article that I had written for libertychant.com. On June 28, 2…


“I promise you, it would have an impact and would get something done.”


How many times must Donald Trump disavow the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke? The liberal media, #NeverTrumpers and Trump ...


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin issued a strong defense of President Trump on Saturday after facing calls from his Yale classmates to step down over the presidents response to the Charlottesville violence.


This is almost too perfect. In the 20th century, in perfect conformity with law in a Constitutional Republic, a number of states and cities erected statues to local heroes. These heroes were sometimes Confederate soldiers. Now, no sane person thinks human slavery was or is anything but repulsive. But fighting for your neighbors and your friends, well, that’s something else again. We often put up monuments to war heroes who do things that in retrospect look bad. Much of the UK is dotted with memorials to heroic, super brave Empire flyers whose job was — to put it plainly —


The violence comes, of course, from the media's personal army of Brownshirts, the leftwing terrorists in Antifa.


With all the hype surrounding President Trump's decision to end DACA, it's important to remember


A new report shows that more than 6,500 people using out-of-state driver's licenses registered on Election Day 2016 to vote in New Hampshire, but since then hardly any of them got a state license or registered a motor vehicle.


We have a great Constitution, and next Sunday, Sept. 17, we celebrate its 230th anniversary on “Constitution Day.” But which Constitution will we celebrate? Among the ingenious features of our national government’s operating manual are its separation and limitation of powers and its built-in checks and balances. But one often-overlooked virtue of our Constitution is […]