The law now requires qualified language specialists in civil courtrooms, but that has proved daunting.
The Title IX Inquisition infantilizes students and tramples the rights of the faculty.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely 2016 GOP presidential candidate, pledged to protect American workers from the economic effects, not only of illegal immigration but also of a massive increase in legal immigration, during an interview Monday morning.

Trump’s Successful U.N. Speech

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Fair judges will call this speech a real success ...
On Friday's CBS Evening News, a NASA scientist made a surprising admission about climate change during a report about an erupting volcano in South America. Correspondent Michelle Miller turned to Dr. Allegra LeGrande, who detailed how the gases from a volcanic eruption can lead to a reduction in the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth. Le Grande added that "this is a small component of why we're not as warm today as the climate models predicted we would be seven years ago."
Paula Garcia, a senior student at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky took to YouTube recently to complain about the racist country she lives in today. A Transylvania University student who reported and illegal alien for deportation is no

Why Virginia Matters 2017

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

WhyVAmatters2017.com Learn why Virginia's 2017 House of Delegates races are important to you, even if you live out of state. We hope to get your help Flippin...
David Clarke argued that the police officers charged in Freddie Gray's death could not get a fair trial in Baltimore
We have no shame in saying that we intend to shut down Ben Shapiro. This is not a decision we came to based on youthful emotions, or out of some desire for the world to be “one big safe space.” This decision was arrived at based on a real, material understanding of the political environment of Utah, and the material effects of an emboldened far right.
The superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy had a stern talk with his cadets about a recent racial incident at the preparatory school.
4 mass shooting myths exposed.
Happy Columbus Day!
In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, the skeletons in other people's closets have been coming out.
Immediately after the House voted to give President Barack Obama fast track authority Thursday, Rush Limbaugh blasted the GOP's role in passing the deal and working
Appearing on NBC’s Today on Sunday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd acknowledged that “the optics look terrible” for Hillary Clinton after her campaign roped off the press during a 4th of July parade in New Hampshire, but he added: “Look, I am sympathetic to the campaign's complaint. She has a large media horde following her around that it makes it hard, because of the media, for her to interact with voters.”
Boehner: Confederate Flag 'Should Be Gone' from National Cemeteries
Interesting feed back. What are your thoughts?
GitHub is the most popular central repository for open-source projects in the world. They also just implemented a ridiculous terms of use. These highlights seem like parody, but they're dead seriou...
Mark Levin was not happy with how the moderators handled the Fox News debate last night. He said the first hour was more like a reality TV show that it was a debate. Levin said that this presidenti...
‘People close to him during the campaign told me had early stages of dementia’
Planned Parenthood is working hard to counter the steady drip of damning videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress.
"It's outrageous for Bill de Blasio to leapfrog illegal immigrants and those who can't pass a credit check over thousands of low-income New Yorkers on the waiting list for affordable housing."

I Was an Oil Spill Scapegoat

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Kurt Mix writes about becoming an oil-spill scapegoat: As a BP engineer, he helped to cap the Deepwater Horizon well, then the Justice Department turned his life into a legal nightmare.
A former federal prosecutor says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s "brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton" and "frame an incoming president with a false Russian
Just think, this is who MSNBC considers to be one of its best and brightest Republicans. On Tuesday’s Hardball, political analyst and 2008 McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt tore into Republican questions about the FISA memo and Strzok-Page texts as “snake oil” “McCarthyism” being “abetted” by the Fox News Channel serving as “state-run TV in an autocratic society.”