CNN was accused of "gaslighting" and portraying critics of critical race theory as "idiots" after airing a report that suggested concerned parents don’t understand the contentious topic.
Ex-police officer James Watt appeared in Birmingham's magistrate's court for sharing 10 memes about George Floyd in a WhatsApp group chat.
Every time the State Department pulls out a new fistful of Hillary Clinton emails like Richard Dreyfuss yanking a license plate out of a shark's belly in "Jaws," someone declares that there's "no smoking gun!"
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte called for the hearing after recent media reports revealed the political motives of Special Counsel Mueller’s staff. Trey Gowdy (SC) went off on Rosenstein in an epic 6 minute tirade about the conflicts of interest and ?
The current demand for guns in America is so great that the FBI is granting its background check system more delays.
Pastor Brian Gibson received hundreds of death threats and he and his family have experienced various forms of harassment.
In his episode “Famine & Blackouts: How Biden-Made Disasters Will Cripple America,” Glenn Beck exposed the new global-based rule changes that gave the World Health Organization expedited authority over our nation. He traced the changes to the SEC and revealed Bank of America’s fawning praise for cli...
Forty-three percent of Republicans would support a military coup.
A UCL study has discovered that the gender pay gap is widely due to individual choices.
ALEX JONES & STEVEN CROWDER #2 'FULL UNCUT" Steven Crowder interviews Alex Jones about the bizarre conspiracy theories surrounding Jeffrey Epstein. Check out...
ATLANTA, GA—After months of continually trying and failing to produce better fake news than The Babylon Bee, CNN has assigned a team of people to monitor The Babylon Bee's website daily to determine how they should cover the news for that day. With Babylon Bee headlines coming true on CNN more frequently than ever before, CNN content is starting …
On Thursday, a New York judge sentenced former lawyer Michael Avenatti to 30 months in prison, after Avenatti attempted to extort Nike of up to $25 million.“Mr. Avenatti’s conduct was outrageous. H…
Kraken CEO Jesse Powell clarified his decision to offer employees who do not "feel comfortable" working at the company four months of pay to leave.
The "time and attendance abuse" drained nearly $1.1 million in taxpayer money.
Facebook Inc and Microsoft Corp disabled a number of North Korean cyber threats last week, a White House official said on Tuesday, as the United States publicly blamed Pyongyang for a May cyber attack that crippled hospitals, banks and other companies.
ISIS terrorist ‘Jihadi Jack’ has been stripped of his UK citizenship sparking a furious diplomatic row with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau.
By: Donald J. Trump The Fake News Media continuously likes stating that I lost the “suburbs.” How would this be possible when I was the one that stopped
NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) mocked the House Jan. 6 select committee after a production team associated with Stephen Colbert's late-night comedy show was arrested on Capitol Hill.
You won’t see it being reported openly in the Mainstream Media. Nor will you hear mention of it by any of the establishment Republican candidates, but within that vortex of supposed silence there has been a coordinated shift within the most influential Republican donor class in favor of the campaign of Marco Rubio. This shift …
Ambassador Nikki Haley tells UN General Assembly: "America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do and it is the ri...
Facebook has pulled another Donald Trump campaign ad for blatantly violating its advertising policies, but it only did so after being reached by the progressive Popular Info newsletter for comment, according to a Monday report by the newsletter.
A suspect targeted two New Jersey police officers by shooting into their home, Camden County Police Chief Joseph Wysocki said on Thursday.
Wen, whose organization has taken away the bodily autonomy of countless children, now wants to do the same for all unvaccinated people.