
Former President Donald Trump made it clear that he has not endorsed anyone, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), for speaker of the House.


The Trump administration issued a statement Sunday evening announcing the United States has made a ?significant reduction,? in its United Nations budget. ?Ambassador Haley on the United States Negotiating a Significant Reduction in the UN Budget? Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Among a host of other successes, ?


The sanctimonious liberals running CNN got their proper comeuppance after Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter to point out that the anti-Trump network refused to run an ad from his father’s campaign calling on the invading migrant caravan marching on the southern border to be stopped. “CNN refused to run this ad… I guess they …


Demand Justice, a progressive outside group, is planning to spend $10 million on an ad campaign aimed at preventing the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat from being filled after the presidential inauguration in January.


“The Five” host Greg Gutfeld blasted President Joe Biden as a “pathological, shameless liar” after the Delaware Democrat injected race into a Philadelphia speech about election laws, as Texas state Democratic lawmakers flew to Washington, D.C. to prevent that state's legislature from having a quorum to approve new election reforms.


In one of a series of similar cases across the state, a circuit judge tossed out a potential class-action lawsuit that argued Florida State University


Google released a new set of community guidelines Friday that ask employees to stop discussing politics during the workday.


President Trump had bitter words for Barack Obama over the new Supreme Court vacancy. In a statement honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg, ex-President Barack Obama claimed the high court’s vacancy must stay open in the spirit of “consistency.” Here’s what Obama wrote: Four and a half years ago, when Republicans refused to hold a hearing or …


Most police departments—including Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police—are required to release an officer’s name within days of a fatal ...


Almost 100,000 mail-in ballots were not counted in the federal election, most because they arrived after the deadline, a report by Elections Canada has revealed.


Tech CEO's are the robber barons of the 21st century.


Ben Shapiro Debunks a Student on Abortion, gets a Standing Ovation. A much anticipated event was presented by Conservative political commentator


Rep. Doug Collins is expected to introduce a constitutional amendment to prohibit a change to the size of the Supreme Court until 10 years after enactment of any legislation that would alter the number of seats on the high court.


To meet 'green' mandates, Americans will be coerced to purchase Chinese-made solar panels, made with not only fossil fuels but likely forced labor as well.


Crowds of protesters gathered in America's major cities to protest the Supreme Court decision on Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade.


"At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the Democrat Debate live on twitter!"


With 18 orbital flights, SpaceX drove the surge in US missions last year.


Men who lied about military service must wear signs that say "I am a liar" for eight hours on Memorial Day and Veterans Day to be eligible for parole.


Justice Department officials on Tuesday announced the largest international opioid takedown targeting drug traffickers through the darknet, which resulted in 179 arrests and the seizure of more than $6.5 million in cash and currency.


President Biden on Saturday called a federal court ruling that put a halt to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program "deeply disappointing" and again urged Congress to pass legislation that would grant illegal immigrants protected from deportation under the program a pathway to citizenship.


The DOJ and FBI have announced that three domains that were being used to traffic stolen PII and provide DDoS attack services have been seized.


Among the many new political maladies of our age, one has been left largely undiagnosed. This is Trump Derangement Syndrome, a condition whereby intense dislike of the 45th president renders sufferers…
