After risking their lives in the hopes of making it into the United States, migrants from Central American are demanding safer ways to cross the border. Thousands of immigrants jump on a freight t...
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that Hillary Clinton thinks "some of these laws apply to some lower people, but not to me, I'm Hillary Clinton"
Maddow Suggests Fox News Employees Send Each Other Racist Emails
Attorney General Eric Holder used secretive email accounts under at least three aliases during his tenure at the Justice Department.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: It's a total dodge and given the structure of the press conference she was able to succeed in dodging. One of the problems I have to say is reporters ask two questions or three. That is an invitation for anybody on the other side to escape the question. You ask one question and then you stop and then the person who is holding the press conference has to actually answer it. She slipped away from a couple that way. I think what is going to happen on her part is this. She has decided that stonewalling works. Obama has shown it works on a lot of stuff. A lot of their scandals have been stonewalled and they go away. Within a week or two what you are going to hear from the Clinton apologists is going to be it's old news. And that's going to be the story. Her calculation is, 'Yes, I will be damaged a bit with the press because of the stonewalling but infinitely less than I would be if anybody, an objective observer were to go through and look at the e-mails.' BRET BAIER, SPECIAL REPORT: Quickly, if you were a Clinton supporter, this is a stretch of a question, but if you were, do you see any silver lining in today? KRAUTHAMMER: No. But I think that if you stonewall well enough you can succeed. JUAN WILLIAMS: Let me just quickly say this. The silver lining is she said she made a mistake. She said that. She said that she should have used two separate e-mails. She said she should have used two phones? KRAUTHAMMER: You believe she means it? WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you, In terms of silver lining which is the question from our anchor. BAIER: She said it would have been better had I simply used a separate account. I mean, that is as close as we got to contrition. WILLIAMS: Right. But I do think that is saying, listen, this is a mistake. STEVE HAYES: The one thing that comes out of the press conference is a guarantee that the story grows from here because she answered only one question and that question was the server will remain private which spawns dozens of other questions. KRAUTHAMMER: It is the ultimate in pseudo-contrition and I don't think anybody watching it could have any other idea. WILLIAMS: Even you as a Clinton supporter. But I'm saying others -- of the Democratic party, I noticed in the polls, including one today in the Wall Street Journal, it's just not gaining traction. KRAUTHAMMER: Well, perhaps they underestimate the capacity of her supporters for self-deception. WILLIAMS: Last word Charles Krauthammer.
(AP) -- Gov. Chris Christie is touting the budgetary benefits of Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
If Florida banned the terms "climate change" and "global warming" why do state department searches for those words return hundreds of results?
On Tuesday, the Oklahoma state House approved legislation that transfers the issuance of marriage licenses from the state to clergy members.
And he didn’t comply with tax and campaign filing requirements.
Her disastrous press conference on Tuesday was supposed to be about her gender, not her e-mail.
Charlie Hebdo has been named 2015 International Islamophobe of the year, despite many of its staff having been killed by Jihadists in January. The annual ‘award’ was given by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a British group that claims to


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In the press conference today Hillary admitted that she deleted emails, but made it appear as if they were all personal correspondences. Watch below: This basically comes down to Hillary saying, tr...
We're now into Week 2 of the Hillary Clinton email saga, but if Martin O'Malley and his aides are huddled in Maryland somewhere hoping this hurts Clinton in 2016, all I can say is, "Don't hold your...
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officers at the El Paso port of entry arrested 27-year-old Claudia Elizabeth Hernandez Rodriguez of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico after a failed attempt at smuggling cocaine across the border.
Back in 1986, the then-senator led the charge against Ronald Reagan’s treatment of South Africa
A manager at the Roudebush Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Indianapolis appears to mock the mental health problems of returning combat veterans in an email to her employees.
Some armless, others hobbling on spindly prosthetic legs, Honduran migrants came to Mexico City this week to protest their plight. Maimed in Mexico when they tried to catch a precarious train to reach the United States, they feel forgotten, ignored and with little reason to live.
By Alex Griswold, The Daily CallerA local NAACP president spoke out against how illegal immigrants are using up public resources that would have otherwise gone to people of color in
East Jerusalemite Muhammad Musallam appears to be shot to death by teen boy; 2nd jihadist vows to ‘liberate Jerusalem from you filth’
A Midland County woman's gym membership was canceled after she refused to stop telling fellow gym members "a man" was using the woman's locker room. http://w...
Allegedly racist political advocacy? Criticism of homosexuality? Speech condemning women as inferior -- or men as inferior? Harsh criticism of Israelis or Palestinians?
Stating that “their continuing hostilities are a threat to world peace,” Iran offered to host talks between congressional Republicans and President Obama.

- Real Clear Vote

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What do your colleagues think?

- Real Clear Vote

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What do your colleagues think?
In violence of the mild to moderate variety that constitutes most domestic violence, both sexes initiate and cause harm in equal measure. But men get arrested.