There’s an ironic paternalism to the anti-pay gap campaign.
When future generations look back on the global-warming scare nothing will shock them more than the extent to which temperature records – were “adjusted.”

Why did you do that Karen!?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

One of my favorite scenes from Goodfellas.
It is a useful thing when a political party reveals itself as utterly unsuited for national leadership. This may be the one redeeming feature of Monday’s letter to the Iranian government signed by 47 (or, to put it another way, all but seven) Senate Republicans. The letter—which encourages Iran’s leaders to...
Democrats are pushing back against the letter, circulated by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and signed by 47 Senators in all, that warns the Iranian regime that any deal it signs with President Barack Obama could be voided by the next president if it is not ratified by the Senate under the U.S. Constitution. They have enlisted Vice President Joe Biden and even retired Sen. Richard Lugar to disparage the effort. In so doing, they have proved Cotton's point--and checkmated the administration.
The one Republican ready to cut big money–sort of.
Martha’s Vineyard August, 2014 Vacation Cost $400,666.30 in Transportation  $2,425,085.50 were Spent in Transportation Expenses for Obama’s July, 2014 West Coast Fundraising Trip Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations over the past three years have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in travel expenses alone; (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force...
If Republicans in the House of Representatives have it their way, First Daughters Sasha and Malia Obama might soon become the first presidential children to ever be forced into following a dress code, which would apply to how they present themselves in public for the duration of President Barack Obama’s stay at the White House. … The post House Republicans Proposing “Dress Code” For First Daughters appeared first on National Report.
Under intense pressure from majorities in the House and Senate, the National Rifle Association's huge membership, the Obama administration has abruptly changed course and is rescinding its push to ban popular and cheap ammo used by AR-15 owners. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said 80,000 comments rolled in, many against the proposal to ban the 5.56 M855 green tip ammo. The NRA and the other groups still plan to flood ATF mailboxes with opposition letters just to make sure they go through with their withdrawal. RELATED: 52 senators warn of sweeping ammo bans, say Second Amendment 'at risk' They've gone away for now. We know they're coming back and we will be ready, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, told Secrets. You spoke, we listened. @ATFHQ plans more study on the proposed AP Ammo exemption framework. See more http://t.co/SmRKMYvw7J— ATF HQ (@ATFHQ) March 10, 2015
A college prep study guide on European history puts Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas in the same camp as the Ku Klux Klan in trying to describe the French Revolution. Barron's AP European History, 7th Edition is aimed at students attempting to enter college. According to The Daily Caller, the book uses a diagram to explain the political spectrum at the time of the French revolution in terms young Americans would be familiar with. 
Using Twitter, email and telephone, Breitbart News made nearly a dozen good faith attempts Tuesday morning to obtain an explanation from the New York Daily News on its editorial guidelines when it comes to questioning the patriotism of others. Other
The ATF is shelving a controversial proposal to ban a popular type of bullet, amid opposition from hundreds of congressional lawmakers.
A group of pro-life activists plan to stage a sit-in at the office of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) over the GOP leadership's handling of a recent bill banning abortions after a fetus has been in the womb for 20 weeks.Activist Jill Stanek and a group called the Christian Defense Coalition has planned the protest for March 25.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday “it would have been better” if she had used a government e-mail account while she was head of the State Department. She addressed ...
ATF takes M855 ammo ban off the table in apparent big win for 2A advocates
Today, Hillary Clinton claimed her reason for using personal email while Secretary of State was “convenience,” she only wanted to use one phone. However, just two weeks ago, Clinton said she used multiple devices. Below is the transcript from today’s press conference: QUESTION: “Why did you opt out using two devices at the time, obviously …
On Monday, March 9 and Tuesday, March 10, the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks pounced on a letter signed by 47 Republican senators to the leaders of Iran regarding its negotiations with the Obama administration over its nuclear program.
Former President Bill Clinton accidentally proved his wife and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is actively lying about the contents of her private email account that she kept secret from ...
From art and speech censorship to sex trafficking hysteria and affirmative consent folly
House Speaker John Boehner insists he's sticking with the Republican party even though he's repeatedly turned to Democrats to pass bills conservatives oppose.
The ideological movement needs a better response to governments that violate the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens.
Clinton’s political baggage is on grand display thanks to news of her private e-mail account.
Never before in human history has a group of people been given the astounding opportunities Millennials experience today.
Tom Cotton is not impressed by Joe Biden's opinion on... Tom Cotton is not impressed by Joe Biden.