
The first all-out doctors' strike in the NHS's history is a "bleak day", ministers say, but hospitals seem to be coping well during Tuesday's walkout.


Minimizing the threat and touting our good fortune are well-known Obama tactics to distract the sheeple from reality.


The Sunday New York Times continued its drip marketing campaign to position Hillary as trustworthy, this time utilizing another of its Leni Riefenstahl clones.


Video: Robert Spencer on wasn't Muhammad peaceful? Bangladesh: Islamic State claims responsibility for murder of professor


A boycott of Israeli technology may have prevented the use of software that could possibly have thwarted attacks in Paris and Belgium.


The fact that the United Nations, not the United States makes the determinations as to who will be given applications for asylum in the US...


If it were a situation where a Muslim was being forced to bake a cake for homosexuals it would be different, they could count their...


Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and the cultural evisceration of the U.S. Navy.


When my friends who love Donald Trump tell me they support him, I understand the reasons they find him attractive as a candidate.


Donald Trump has made a lot of bold claims on the campaign trail, including that hes going to erase the nations $19 trillion in debt in eight years by cutting better trade deals. The claim, made during an interview with the Washington Post in March, was derided as nonsensical, asinine, and fantasy.


PLATTE COUNTY, Mo. ? A 25-year-old Libyan man, who Platte County prosecutor alleged is part a terrorist organization, pleaded guilty to two felonies Thursday. Ali Swei pleaded guilty to aggra…


The Republican primary calendar could hardly have worked out better for Donald Trump. There is plenty of evidence that he?s had the most to lose from a field that?s winnowed as the pres…


Chairman Richard Emery may be gone, but that doesn’t end the Civilian Complaint Review Board’s problems. So says the head of the captains unions, and he’s right. What’s wrong goes far beyond the to…


Middle-aged people laid off and unable to find work are taking another way out. They’re killing themselves. Suicide rates are soaring, according to federal data released last week. Especially in ec…


Election 2016: Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are joining forces to stop Donald Trump?s steamroller. But: One, it?s a bit late. Two, by announcing their intentions, they?…


In every state except Massachusetts, the counties with high rates of white mortality were the same counties that turned out to vote for Trump.


Hillary Clinton explains what it means to be a feminist, and what she has done to address women’s issues throughout her career.


Last night the Cruz and Kasich camps formed the Cru-sich Alliance to stop Donald Trump. The two campaigns announced the ...


The emissions of carbon dioxide from industrial society has spurred a huge growth in trees and other plants, says a report.


It is a reflection of the desperation that has taken hold of the right’s anti-Trump forces that a new nonaggression pact between Senator Ted Cruz...


Some understanding of economic reality would be an asset to a presidential candidate, but only one of the three main contenders appears to possess it.


Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images) Bernie Sanders has been campaigning in Baltimore, Maryland and some of his remarks indicate that he doesn't really understand what poverty is. He's getting very mixed up between relative poverty and absolute poverty. Now, it is indeed true that [...]


New rules after the president's entourage wrecked her garden in 2011


CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — As if daily life in Venezuela wasn't hard enough, people across the crisis-wracked South American country will now have to add electricity to the long list of things they'll have to do without.…