
Watch Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder discuss topics including social justice, feminism, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions, a...


Melissa Click, that Missouri State University communications professor who was fired for calling for “muscle” to remove a student journalist from a public protest, is now saying that she was fired because she’s white.
Yes, seriously.
#ad#I guess she must have realized that her most recent previous excuse — that she was fired because she didn’t know enough about journalists’ roles in public protests to know that threatening physical violence against students is not okay — wasn’t cutting it. (Or, as I pointed out in an earlier column, actually grounds for being fired in itself seeing as that’s definitely something that a communications professor affiliated with the journalism department should have known to have that job.)
That was, of course, bad enough. But now she’s gone and outdone herself:
“This is all about racial politics,” Click told the Chronicle of Higher Education.
“I’m a white lady,” she continued. “I’m an easy target.”
Um . . . wut?
#share#Listen, lady. One of your original defenses — even before that I-didn’t-know excuse — was that you should not have been fired because you were just “trying to do [your] best to help marginalized students.” (The use of the word “marginalized” here, of course, means “minority.”) The fact that she apparently saw such a drastic level of “help” — that is, threatening to violate another student’s physical safety and First Amendment rights — to be necessary suggests that she believed these students had an equally drastic need. It was so hard for minorities on campus that she had to do what she did, and so that’s why she was fired. Now she’s saying she was fired because it’s so hard to be a white lady? What?
#related#It really makes my head spin. This is almost as bad as Rachel Dolezal, the fake-black white lady who spent her whole life discussing racial identity, coming out and declaring “race is not real” after she got busted.
Honestly, I don’t know who’s crazier — but there’s one thing I do know for sure: In terms of demonstrating the flawed logic of the Left, these two really are the gift that keeps on giving. And for that, I am thankful.
— Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online.


John Kasich, one of only three still-standing GOP presidential candidates, isn’t featured in Oregon’s voters’ pamphlet for the May primary election — an embarrassing blunder for any major campaign. The state said the Kasich campaign failed to submit information by the March 10 deadline. It’s up to candidates to get their photos and statements into the pamphlet, which is one of the most cost-effective political advertising tools in the state, going out to the households of all 2.2 million registered voters.


There is a boycott underway against Target from those who disagree with their decision to allow transgender people to choose whatever bathroom they want. One guy decided to test out their new polic…


Parents of a five-year-old trans child have filed a complaint against a charter school for refusing to teach harmful beliefs about human biology.


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“Finally a Republican candidate who sounds like a liberal college student... #ThanksAltRight #MakePCGreatAgain”


“Donald Trump has more in common with a Gender Fluid College Lib then he does with Ronald Reagan. #MakePCGreatAgain”


Bernie Sanders would beat any of the three remaining Republican presidential candidates in a general election, according to the poll, which was conducted before the New York primary.


As he campaigns for president, Donald Trump rarely misses an opportunity to boast that the Republican establishment, and the lobbyists whose contributions support it, is against him. But it’s a different story in New Jersey.


Information Age columnist Gordon Crovitz writes about Republican presidential contender Donald’s Trump’s flip-flops on immigration and H-1B visas—but as the head of Trump Models, he knows the value of those visas. So does Silicon Valley.


Let's not pretend political alliances are new.


LANCASTER, Pa. ?A Quarryville man is accused of taking pictures of a 10 year-old girl using the bathroom. It happened last Thursday at the Sheetz located at 1180 Manheim Pike around 9:55pm. T…


Two seemingly unconnected events this weekend piqued my curiosity. First, I got to thinking about game theory watching The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly yesterday. The final showdown between Clint Eastwood, Lee van Cleef, and Eli Wallach is a "truel"; i.e., A three-way duel. How do the players in such a game decide who to shoot? Here's an interesting analysis of a stylized version of the truel problem. Interestingly, when the truel is played as a sequential process in which one play shoots first, then the second, then the third, and so on until only one is left standing,...


WASHINGTON, April 25, 2016—The Department of Justice now interprets Title IX to require colleges and universities to violate the First Amendment. In an April 22 findings letter concluding its investigation into the University of New Mexico’s policies and practices regarding sex discrimination, the Department of Justice (DOJ) found the university improperly defined sexual harassment. DOJ flatly declared that “[u]nwelcome conduct of a sexual nature”—including “verbal conduct”—is sexual harassment “regardless of whether it causes a hostile environment or is quid pro quo.” To comply with Title IX, DOJ states that a college or university “carries the responsibility to investigate” all speech ?


Did you remember to subtract then re-add the super delegates? See more http://www.collegehumor.com LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us...


Under pressure from party leaders, the campaign of Bernie Sanders has indicated it will mute attacks on Hillary Clinton’s corrupt relations with the banks.


San Francisco slides deeper into Tolerance Hell.


By Jon Queally for CommonDreams. Hannover, Germany - On the eve of a visit by U.S. President Barack Obama, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Germany on Saturday to voice emphatic o...


Watch Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder discuss topics including social justice, feminism, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions, a...


Trump embraces men in women's bathrooms and higher taxes, Schilling gets fired for political incorrectness, and the vaunted mailbag!


He's a serious candidate.


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