
Sanders's long-awaited health care plan is, by turns, vague and unrealistic.


This weekend Paramount launched Michael Bay's 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, drawing more noise from the CIA, Republicans and Democrats than moviegoers with a middling 4-day opening of ...


GERMANY was rocked by yet more migrant sex attack allegations today after it emerged one refugee told his victim she was “just there for sex” as he groped her whilst another group STONED two women in the street.


One thought on last night's Democratic debate. It seems clear Hillary Clinton has decided to wrap herself in the mantle of President Obama, and in effect run for Obama's third term.
In a way, that makes sense: Obama remains very popular among Democrats. For example, in the most recent CBS/New York Times poll, where Obama's overall approval is 46 percent to 47 percent disapprove, his numbers among Democrats are 81 to 13. On the other hand, that same poll shows a plurality of Democrats (47 percent to 45 percent) think the country is on the wrong track (the overall number is 65-27).
If Clinton can make the Democratic primary a referendum on Obama, she'll win. If Sanders can make it a referendum on the state of the nation, he has a real shot.


Juanita Broaddrick says that within a few weeks after Clinton allegedly raped her, he started to call her repeatedly with the aim of meeting again.


In a rare interview, Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, revealed on Sunday it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Bill Clinton had affairs with “thousands of women.”


NEW opinion polls show almost half of Germans fear refugees following the New Year's Eve sexual frenzy in Cologne.


This is the moment a young woman documents street harassment in Sweden, with at least two men asking her for sex after another allegedly groped her.


The Swedish state is funding a ?sniper? training course for recently-arrived Third World “refugees” as part of their “integration program”—despite the ever-growing refugee-terrorist attacks across Europe. The almost unbelievable plunge?


Socialist Bernie Sanders told the Democrat debate audience on Sunday night that he is the best candidate to beat Donald ...


When Democratic presidential candidates get together to debate, It's ripe with comic potential. These were the ten funniest moments.


By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Donald Trump had a literal meltdown and attacked Ted Cruz on Twitter. Not good. I guess the honeymoon is over. Too bad, they


Mainstream Democrats breathed a sigh of relief in October when Hillary Clinton dominated the first debate with Bernie Sanders — but after Sunday night’s debate, they’re probably hyperventilating. O...


And it’s not gender, age, income, race or religion.


CNN’s Wolf Blitzer must’ve figured he was throwing a hanging curveball to Jordan’s King Abdullah the other day. “What’s your reaction to Donald Trump saying there should be a temporary ban on Musli...


Near the end of Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate on NBC, co-moderator, Clinton correspondent, and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell served up the lone question on Bill Clinton’s sex scandals in a misleading and vague fashion that allowed Senator Bernie Sanders to dodge the substance of the matter and instead falsely bash the media for even bringing it up.


Attkisson: 'Overwhelming Body of Evidence' Benghazi Rescue Teams Turned Back


In his final State of the Union speech Barack Obama made at least a few bows toward the idea that America is an exceptional nation, an idea he once derided by saying, "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks" -- this was before their fiscal crisis -- "believe in Greek exceptionalism."


"We all came in with the 'if you build it, they will come' mentality, but we built it and no one came."


A lot of us complain that our elite betters are ignoring our concerns, but nothing could be further from the truth. They have heard us all right.


Sanders leads Trump by 15 points nationally over Trump, 54 percent to 39 percent.


Thomas Sowell is a self admitted former Marxist, however today he is the furthest thing from a Marxist. To understand more about him, his incredible journey,...