Jeb Bush Embraces Carbon Emissions Reduction To Address Climate Change
Larry Elder was on CNN a few moments ago responding to Obama's use of the n-word as he was talking about racism in America. Elder suggested that this is all a sideshow, that what we should be discu...
You may have heard it through the grapevine: the California raisin farmers who challenged the federal government’s power to seize a substantial portion of each year’s crop as part of a New Deal price-floor scheme had a very strong case under
"Abortion is a part of life."

Laura & Marvin Horne's Story

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Mark Halperin, Bloomberg Politics managing editor, apologized to his “Republican sources” on the air Monday, saying he took the White House at its word when officials claimed Jonathan Gruber played only a minor role in the crafting of Obamacare. His apology came on the heels of the release of...
The Supreme Court has struck a blow for property rights. SCOTUS ruled against the government in Horne v. Department of Agriculture, which I talked about in an EveryJoe column on government theft. ...
Wait lines and costs have only gotten worse in the VA since the scandal broke last year. Maybe the system doesn't work as well as some on the left think.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: full of all the magic and wonders of the Internet.
Dylann Roof stated in his manifesto that the primary factor that triggered his shooting was the Trayvon Martin case. NBC admitted to deceptively editing the ...
Liberals are going crazy over this… On Friday, Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation that will create a state-run gold depository in the Lone Star State – one that will attempt to rival those operated by the U.S. government inside Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s vault in lower Manhattan. “The Texas …
Terrorism is on the upswing around the world. Thanks, Obama.
How many times has government royally messed up something? And not fired anyone? Or done anything that remotely resembles improving their performance?
The progressive assault on gender identity is ramping up — and not just in America.
"We're not gonna stop," said Charlie Kirk. As the founder and executive director of Turning Point USA, Kirk, 21, runs an organization that has been energizin
What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Dylann Roof? Dylann Roof isn't a friend and colleague of an American president who enjoyed a cushy life in academia before retiring to life as the kind of author who's invited on-the-air by the mainstream media to hawk his books.

Terrorists and Our Idiot President

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

You know something is terribly wrong when three former Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz and Madeleine Albright tell a Senate Armed Services Committee that the President of the ...
Why "common-sense gun safety reforms" would not have "prevented what happened in Charleston."
Of course, Ted Cruz is a Republican. That puts him in proximity with guns and gun posters, as seen in this picture from Associated Press photog Charlie Neibergall, more often than Democrats.
President Obama appeared comfortable dropping the controversial n-word during a “WTF” Podcast with Marc Maron.

Sexism and Racism Are Leftism

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In our time, sexism and racism have become the province of the rich. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Discrimination by sex and by race are ancient innate pathologies and transcend ...
She wants to 'recast masculinity.'
The American Dream — the idea that anyone, through hard work and determination, can achieve anything — is under assault like never before. Obamacare, an overreaching federal government, and out of control spending threaten the ability of small businesses and entrepreneurs to create jobs and innovate. This has to stop and Ted Cruz has led the way to bring back ?