
The New York Times and the Daily Mail are both reporting the South Carolina mass murderer Dylann Roof wrote a 2,500 word manifesto on a website called TheLastRhodesian.com. There are also pictur...


Comedian Bill Maher said conservative media -- including the Drudge Report, Fox News and The Daily Caller -- may have a hand in inspiring Dylann Roof to shoot up a black church in Charleston, S.C. thi


Donald E. Pease, the Director of The Futures of American Studies Institute, explains how President Obama can regain ground he's lost to birthers, tea party o...


On the last day of 2013, one of the weirdest religious stories for ages appeared on the news wires. The Vatican had officially denied that Pope Francis intended to abolish… Read more


If you had to name a theme for Obamas second term, it would be regulatory overreach.


In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, GOP presidential candidate and billionaire businessman Donald Trump slammed President Obama’s trade agreements – especially the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) – which Obama argued the United States needs in order to better compete with China.


You won’t hear much about it this coming debate season, when Republican and Democratic presidential contenders take the stage in an attempt to one-up each other on “the issues.” You won’t read abou...


Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter strolled onto the set of HBO’s “Real Time” Friday night knowing she would be seriously outnumbered for a debate on immigration. Even host Bill Maher at one point acknowledged, “You got to give it to her, she ain’t afraid.” That was after Coulter brazenly...


People gathered outside the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston discuss black anger after Wednesday's shooting, and one calls for a race war.


Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason


It’s hard to imagine how the massacre at the Emanuel AME Church that left nine dead could have been worse, but a top Democratic strategist says the shooting would have been a “horror” if the black parishioners were armed.


The House Republican crackdown has reached a new level of severity. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz has stripped North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows of his subcommittee chairmanship, just days after he defied leadership on the House floor by voting against a party-line procedural motion. “Sometimes the coach needs to...


Franklin Roof, the father of Dylann Storm Root, is afraid for his life after receiving numerous threatening calls from New ...


In the wake of the heinous attack on Charleston's Emanuel American Methodist Episcopal Church, Democrats' ritual calls for more gun control have louder than usual, and a mainstream media's focus on the threat of "mass shootings" has been kicked up a notch.


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz introduced legislation on Wednesday that would forbid the Obama administration from using fees paid by legal immigrants to fund Obama's executive amnesty for illegal aliens.


It’s time for conservatives to take out House Speaker John Boehner and all of his comrades in primaries, nationally syndicated radio host, New York Times bestselling author, and conservative movement thought leader Mark Levin argues in an exclusive comment to Breitbart News.


Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT), while delivering the Republican weekly address, accused President Obama of playing games with national security by threatening to veto the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unless lawmakers increase funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton conceded that race relations have not improved under America’s first black president. Speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco, Clinton said it is “tempting to dismiss a tragedy like” like the Charleston church


If you look at Big Picture that the media would like you to see about the Charleston Massacre, it’s just another chapter in the endless liberal narrative.


WASHINGTON -- Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton has not decided who he will support for president, but he knows who he won’t. Bolton, who served in the position under President George W. Bush, said he will work to ensure that neither former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...


June, 19, 2015 - Michael Savage Interviews Donald Trump Officially Running for President on The Savage Nation --- Michael Savage Website: http://www.michaels...


Bob Shrum brought his best stupidity to MSNBC today and made sure to get in there that the best thing for nine black church goers is that they NOT have guns to defend themselves when a murderous ra...


Cruz said he is "horrified" by the shootings