
Andrew Branca on German TV explaining Stand Your Ground laws.


This movie is so hardcore military it makes Hollywood wet itself and run home crying to mommy. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!


Terry Pratchett, famously tuckerizing the Marquess de Queensbury as the Marquis de Fantailer said the Marquis was a small and timid man who made rules about all the places people weren't allowed to...


This clip originally aired on Fox Business, "Real Social Justice," with John Stossel (June 5, 2015). The full 41-minute show is available here: http://bit.ly...


Senator Rand Paul Talks about his new Fair Flat Tax proposal on Fox News with host Eric Bolling. Paul's new bill he is proposing is "Arming All Pilots Act of...


Republican strategist Karl Rove said on


By Eric Owens, Daily CallerDemocratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton characterized the United States as racist and lamented what she described as a troubling increase in racial segregation in modern-day America


10 employees at a beer warehouse in the northern industrial city of Monterrey are killed in a cartel shootout.


Most high school English teachers adore William Shakespeare’s works. Dana Dusbiber does not.


There is a war for the minds of the people. Dennis Prager's 2012 book "Still the Best Hope" describes the three groups he sees as part of this political struggle.


Opponents have long warned that assisted suicide could lead to a moral calamity. Turns out they were right.


The TPP seeks to directly subjugate and invalidate American law, granting to multinational investors and to the agreement itself and its dispute resolution process ultimate authority, literally, over American home rule. All while American service members fight and die to protect the interests of whoever the investors are.


The failure to alter Francis’s landmark document illustrates how difficult it might be to stop a juggernaut pontiff.


On Friday mornign Cincinnati police officer Sonny Kim was killed in a shootout. Kim was an immigrant to the United ...


Said he sees "both sides" of debate.


The stepmother of Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old charged with nine counts of murder for the shooting at a church in Charleston, has spoken out in his defence.


The anti-discrimination law known as Title IX is meant to protect students from gender-based discrimination, but it has been used over the years to perpetuate it.
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, states the law's preamble.
Originally passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX was mostly used to increase opportunities for women to participate in sports. It quickly became used as a tool not for gender equity but for gender parity. This has been done through bureaucratic clarifications issued by the Department of Education — which are not subject to congressional approval, even though they impose new requirements for federally funded higher learning institutions.


Marijuana advocates say congressional Republicans are sending “mixed messages” on the issue.


Hillary Clinton knows she has more baggage than Newark Airport. She doesn’t care, because she is counting on two strong forces to carry her to victory: Demographics and the leftward turn in America...


The Republican establishment is cracking down on all dissent in the party: The House Republican crackdown has reached a new level of severity. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason C...


Happy Father’s Day 2015 Hope all of the dads out there have a wonderful day. Thank you for your important ...


As the fight to remove the Confederate flag from the state House grounds in South Carolina heats up, politicians are weighing in on the debate. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham defended displaying th


The truth hurts, goes the old saying. Nowhere is that better illustrated than in the liberal media’s treatment of Donald Trump’s presidential announcement. Not to mention the reaction of Hillary Clinton. Trump must never mention that Mexican immigrants have brought violent crime, including the rape of children. That's rude. It's also documented fact.


Rep. Mark Meadows voted against fast-track trade legislation.