
Why was America so shocked by homegirl hoaxer Rachel Dolezal?


(Image Boston Globe) The man honeymooned in a Communist country. He even wrote a paper about how woman fantasize about being ...


Mark Levin responded to the strong-arming by Jason Chaffetz last night in enforcing the will of the Republican establishment by laying out a plan to take down Boehner from the speakership. From Bre...


2016 Presidential Candidate Rand Paul recently announced his flat tax plan of 14.5% to assist the American economy. We've seen Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan haven...


The Ted Cruz campaign released an amazing tribute to Ted's dad, Rafael Cruz in a video where he relates how he got to America, and how he made it in the land of opportunity. It's really worth watch...


Karl Rove said "acts of violence" will continue, until someone can "repeal the Second Amendment."


Cardinal Donald Wuerl said on Sunday that Pope Francis’ recently-released thoughts on global warming are intended to open the dialogue on the issue, not to be definitive statement, and that GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s skeptical response was “legitimate.”


Uber announced it banned both drivers and law-abiding passengers with concealed permits from having guns for self-defense in Uber vehicles.


The shooting that took place in a Charleston, S.C., church Wednesday night has brought the issue of gun control back to the forefront of everyone’s mind. President Barack Obama weighed in during a televised address, calling for tighter gun... #guns #presidentbarackobama


The former CEO addresses Keystone State voters...


Several past incidents that seem similar to the Chicago incident.


Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and Mike Huckabee have all become increasingly popular among GOP primary voters since announcing their candidacies in May, making some of the largest gains in the latest WSJ/NBC news poll. Fiorina’s support levels leapt from 17 percent in April to 31 percent in June;...


FILE This April 28, 2014 file photos shows the Phoenix VA Health Care Center in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File) Last year’s parade of scandals and failures at the Department of Veterans Affairs do not appear to have resulted in much reform. According to a New York Times report, the...


President George W. Bush's former adviser says he'll believe Trump when he sees the FEC filing.


While the Turks' most real threats are their Muslim neighbors -- and the Islamists they have overtly or covertly supported in their country's "neighborhood" -- they tend to look for enemies in unlikely territories.


Appellate Court Temporarily Reinstates Discretionary Concealed Carry Licensing in D.C.


When delusion trumps reality, insanity ensues. ~ Expand for links ~ Website: http://www.rockingphilosophy.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rocking...


With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods. Here’s the problem with all...


I am still waiting for this guy to take over a building in Culver City and do battle with Bruce Willis. Support the channel: http://www.patreon.com/atheism F...


It has become increasingly clear that the President’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is far more than a trade deal. It forms an enduring, self-governing political entity with vast regulatory power. Yet fast-track – which has led without fail to the adoption of every covered agreement since its inception – would rush it through with less legislative scrutiny than a Post Office reform bill.


The government-commissioned report on anti-Semitism among youths in the Netherlands reportedly showed that anti-Semitism is more prevalent among Muslim youths than Christian ones.


By Philip Pullella TURIN, Italy (Reuters) - People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry at a rally of thousands of young people at the end of the first day of his trip to the Italian city of Turin. "It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons.


The Texas senator blew away the crowd of conservatives with a finely tuned speech on religious liberty.