Via the GWPF Date: 15/05/15 Levi Winchester, Daily Express Some surface temperature recordings used as the basis for global warming evidence are guessed at – including in the Arctic and Antarctic. ...
Temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork, a climate researcher has said. Dr Benny Peiser heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which last month announced its intention to
Reid: 'We Have Hillary Clinton And That's It,' 'Not Another Barack Obama Out There'
New research shows that multiple public school superintendents in Washington State earn a higher pro rata salary than Governor Jay Inslee.
A jury has sentenced Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death.
The study concluded that
Michelle Obama gave a commencement address at Tuskegee University that was a ringing call for the graduates not to be discouraged by her whining. Much of the first lady’s speech was what is...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has successfully moved yet another California Company to Texas. Abbott announced on Thursday that Kubota Tractor and Credit Corporation is relocating its corporate headquarters to Texas.
Iran will never allow the West or the UN's IAEA to inspect Tehran’s military sites as part of a nuke agreement with the P5+1 world powers.
House Republicans voted Thursday to strike language that would have pushed the administration to allow illegal immigrant Dreamers to sign up for the military, in a move whose symbolism far outstripped its effect.
A Blue Cross exec says people who are finally covered under Obamacare and seeking treatment are costing the insurers a bundle.
It has now been 33 days since Hillary Clinton made her White House bid official, yet she still hasn’t done a formal sit-down interview with national media, setting a record for going the longest of any candidate in recent history without doing so.
What media bias? On Thursday it was revealed that ABC News reporter George Stephanopoulos donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation. George concealed these donations from ABC viewers. So how biased was George's reporting? Here's a video montage of attack dog…
Militants seized the government compound in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, dealing a major blow to the U.S.-backed military campaign.
The U.S. economy in March contracted at the worst pace since the financial crisis, a private-sector gauge showed.
I watched President Obama's remarks on poverty at Georgetown University, and several things stood out to me, apart from his umpteenth swipe at Fox News.
Reddit, the popular link-posting and discussion website periodically plagued by personal attacks and leaked explicit photos, announced a new way to report harassment Thursday, providing an email address and direction for users who are seeking relief from abusive posts.

A study has been published claiming that lower life expectancy among African-Americans has led to one million fewer voters in elections from 1974-2004. From The Atlantic story on the study:ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT A new paper, “Black lives matter: Differential mortality and the racial composition of the U.S. electorate, 1970-2004,” argues that the racial gap in mortality [?]

The length to which ABC, its news division, and its parent company (Disney) have gone to protect and curry favor with the Clintons is almost impossible to grasp. To begin with, in 1996, ABC News hired George Stephanopoulos, a former
Bloomberg News ran a happy news story this week about the "surprising" development of Republicans joining Democrats in their effort to end our "incarceration generation" by the simple expedient of putting fewer criminals in prison. (Lots of good ideas involve ham-fisted, Johnnie Cochran-style rhymes.)

Amtrak is a Government Failure

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The bodies had barely cooled from Tuesday's deadly Amtrak derailing when the usual sources began agitating for bigger government in response. The rush to campaign for more federal spending on ...

Covered California

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Insurance in Sacramento, CA
There used to be a stigma in recent years toward forming male-only organizations, due to the perception they were sexist; excluding women for the benefit of men.
The Edge says it is 'ridiculous' to criticise U2's tax affairs as Bono says you can be a philanthropist and still have a shrewd business brain