Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable ratings are rising as questions swirl about her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state and a new spotlight has been put on donations routed to her husband’s Clinton Foundation.
The former Florida governor still struggles with how to handle — and differentiate himself from — his brother’s legacy.
There seems to be this prevailing myth that before the 19th Amendment was put into action in 1920, women in America were about as valuable as a gimp donkey with ...
Carly Fiorina argued that Hillary Clinton, and many other liberals believe that "unless you fit their orthodoxy, you don't count as a woman"
While reporting on, and aggressively defending the Clinton Foundation from numerous scandals and ethical issues, George Stephanopoulos, the star and poster boy of ABC News, hid his own conflict of interest from viewers. According to Politico, Bill Clinton’s former war
Is Jesus a Bernie Sanders fan?  Could be, if you believe Howard Dean.  On today's Morning Joe, Dean claimed that "if you look at the red-letter version of the Bible, Jesus was probably to the left of the Democratic party." Dean's declaration came in the context of a discussion of yesterday's forum on poverty in which President Obama and AEI President Arthur Brooks participated.  Question: is Dean confusing the establishment of faceless government bureaucracies that can entrap people in dependency with the kind of personal caring for the downtrodden that Christ commanded?
In an interview on Wednesday, Jeb Bush accidentally said, "I'm running for president," before backtracking to say, "if I run."
Military officials have negotiated contracts with local ranchers to conduct Jade Helm training on their property, according to Big Spring Mayor Larry McLellan.
Not a free speech issue, says college.
“Free-range” parents deserve the right to bring up their children as they see fit.
While the nation eagerly awaits the Supreme Court’s ruling in King v. Burwell, a case brought by an unknown Pennsylvania tax collector has quietly made its way to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and has the potential to end President Barack Obama’s most important piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act.
UMass Amherst scholar also disparaged the Tea Party and capitalism.
O'Reilly: Christianity's Decline in America Could Lead to Collapse Like Roman Empire
When I became a nurse more than 40 years ago, I took a vow to “devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care” but, initially, our understanding of science limited the extent to which I could fulfill that promise.
We are starting to get into the 2016 election cycle already after all, the 24 hour news cycle has to have something upon which to pontificate. Recent polls show that the top two issues concerning Americans are the economy/jobs and terrorism which I classify as foreign policy/national security.
The cost of government regulation rivals some of the world’s largest economies.
Talk about awkward: The American Civil Liberties Union wants the Obama administration to investigate Hollywood's film and television studios, whose executives and stars have been generous supporters of the Obama administration.
Roman and Greek mythology "contains triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities in the classroom" students say.
Amy Murphy, the dean of students at Texas Tech, believes that giving students of her college the rights that they have access to has a "chilling effect" on people's ability to accuse others of assa...
While the US military is still the biggest in the world, Beijing and Moscow are catching up. Here we look at the respective countries' manpower
ABC and NBC on Wednesday promoted the campaign to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 and replace him with a woman. Just like when CBS pushed the concept in March and April, Good Morning America and Today didn't mention that the majority of the candidates suggested by the group Womenon20s.org were either prominent Democratic or liberal activists. 
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh slammed President Obama for "complaining and whining" about Fox News on Wednesday.
Thirty-one House Democrats have proposed legislation that would prevent people from buying ammunition online, and would instead require all purchases to be made in person — a change they admit is aimed at preventing people from buying "unlimited" ammunition over the Internet. The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act,...