One’s personal grievances are not conclusive evidence of society-wide problems.
President Obama “strongly opposes” the House bill that would ban abortions earlier than 20 weeks, even though Republicans made changes to the bill after it was pulled by leadership in January.
After Tuesday night’s Amtrak derailment, the political class has weighed in: we must spend more money on infrastructure.
The former student claims the investigation into the alleged sexual misconduct deprived him of due process and the disciplinary warning jeopardizes his future goals.
“Knowing what we know now, of course we wouldn’t go into Iraq,” Cruz told The Hill. 

Jesus Christ, The Cynic

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In his words on poverty, Obama reveals the key difference between conservative and progressive thinking.
U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, the outspoken, populist Democrat who thunders against Wall Street fat cats,and used to to joke about Mitt Romney's low tax bill, incorporated a couple hedge funds in the Cayman Islands so investors could avoid taxes.
"I was on crutches for 5 weeks and felt uncomfortable when seeing this sign."
Marco Rubio proved he can hang with the big hawks in his first foreign policy speech since he declared his run for president.
“Your brother created ISIS,” a young college student tells Jeb Bush — creating the kind of confrontational moment that presidential candidates dread.
The Amtrak passenger train crash last night has caused many political commentators and legislators to question budget cuts for infrastructure projects, as the news cycle has propelled a white hot political discussion on infrastructure spending.
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Republican-controlled House panel on Wednesday approved deep spending cuts to Amtrak's budget just hours after a deadly crash in Philadelphia.
The Republican field for president is remarkably large, but are there really 36 possible contenders for the nomination? That's how many options a new online straw poll from the Republican National Committee offers.
The Canadian government of Stephen Harper has a fascinating idea. Use hate-crime laws against groups that advocate boycotting Israel. It’s a terrible idea. I love it. It’s terrible...
Secrets not revealed: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)—an opponent of the secretive Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track the Pacific Rim trade deal Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)—went inside the secret room inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday morning to read the TPP text. He wasn't allowed to discuss the details of the pact, however.
Government officials are increasingly usurping “parental authority,” removing children from their families who may happen to be living unconventional lifestyles, legal and media analyst Lionel told RT’s Ben Swann. Speaking about a recent case where 10 kids were taken from their parents because they live “off-grid,” the outspoken commentator called the government’s seizure of theRead More
The Department of Homeland Security does not maintain data on how many illegal immigrants it allows to stay in the U.S. through prosecutorial discretion -- a failure that could have national security
An official close to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that his government has a godly ordained right to annihilate Israel, Al Arabiya reported on Tuesday. The “government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has divine permission to destroy Israel,” said Mojtaba Zolnour, a Khamenei representative in the elite Revolutionary Guards. According to semi-official state news agency Fars, Zolnour said that, “the Noble Koran permits the Islamic Republic of Iran to destroy Israel.” He added that, “Even if Iran gives up [...]
As the Republican National Committee convenes its spring meeting in this resort city, conservative activists fearful of getting stuck with another moderate candidate in 2016 are gathering 2,300 miles away to plot strategies to engineer the presidential nomination to their liking.
Without any evidence of what caused the crash of an Amtrak train in Philadelphia Tuesday night, all three network morning shows on Wednesday had no hesitation in suggesting a lack of government infrastructure spending was to blame.
President Barack Obama signed a new cybersecurity executive order that gives him ultimate control over information gathered for the purposes of protecting it against nefarious individuals or groups. This has caused a ripple of concern among cybersecurity firms that could grow into a tsunami should the new legislation go...
by CHARLIE SPIERING, BreitbartDuring a conversation about poverty, President Obama said he was concerned that more wealthy people were separated from poverty because they chose to frequent private institutions instead

Although Americans strongly support legislation that would ban late-term abortions and protect babies who are capable of feeling intense pain during an abortion, President Barack Obama would veto the legislation.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Today, the House of Representatives votes on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks and the […]

Multiple board members accused parents who opposed the change of acting out of