Comment: Forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank would give the authorities far better tools to deal with recessions and economic booms, writes Jim Leaviss
In casting around for who to blame for losing last week’s UK general election other than themselves, Labour supporters in Britain have found a new target for their anger – American Republicans. The in-house journal of the liberal left, the
Before the dead were counted and the facts known, the craven, partisan ghouls in our mainstream media were already using a terrible domestic tragedy to call for more government spending. The media’s politically-loaded word of the day is “infrastructure.” This
Kent Police have confirmed they are investigating a claim of electoral fraud in South Thanet, the seat Nigel Farage failed to take in the general election. No further details have been released but police say they are making enquiries. A UKIP spokesman
June 7,2012 Neal Boortz takes a call from Tiffany . Neal is on WSB - Atlanta. Neal starts off ready to hang up and then it changes...

This Is Your Market On QE

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

QE 1,2 & 3 didn't work, but this economy needs it to stay alive. This is your market on QE. Please Like, Share, & Subscribe Follow on Twitter: @AustrianMarke...
Scarborough: Obama's Fox News Attack Embarrassing, Arrogant, Self-Righteous
Just after 9 a.m., the morning after the Tuesday night Amtrak crash in Philadelphia, CNN was already exploiting the tragedy to attack Republicans over budget cuts. Cristina Alesci was reporting from outside a train station. The execrable Carol Costello was
Roman and Greek mythology "contains triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities in the classroom" students say.

Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

SOURCES AND NOTES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12502 Everything you wanted to know about shutting up a pesky conspiracy theorist in 5 minutes.
The applause for charging the Baltimore police officers involved in Freddie Gray's arrest seemed short-lived. Marilyn Mosby is now a lightning rod.
Former CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien, now CEO of Starfish Media Group and a correspondent for Al Jazeera America, is our Mainstream Media Scream for taking up Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes' charge that thug, like the reference to looters by the city's mayor, is code for the N-word. Discussing the issue on Sunday's Reliable Sources, she said: Listen, I think what the Baltimore city councilman, Carl Stokes, was trying to tell Erin Burnett is that thug is a proxy, it is a word we use instead of the N-word. And I think that's really true. I can't think of a situation where there's ever been a headline or someone has called a white young person who's in the middle of a violent protest, demonstration, whatever, a 'thug.' We use it all the time when we're talking about people in the inner city. Brent Baker, vice president of research at the Media Research Center, explains our pick: So much for calls for open and honest dialogue about crime and race. Journalists like O'Brien, and she's not the only one, want to disallow accurate words from being used to describe criminals, thus limiting the discussion by suggesting anyone who using the term 'thug' is a racist.
In The Wall Street Journal, Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Jared Meyer tell 2015 graduates about unemployment, student loans, entitlements for retirees and other barriers to the American dream.
On CNN this morning, Daily Beast writer Dean Obeidallah was on as a guest with CNN's Carol Costello to discuss the Saturday Night Live skit that is all the buzz this morning. It is a skit Erick wrote about. And that piece by Erick was a topic of discussion for Obeidallah, who made quite an amazing claim. This "made-up idea." After Obeidallah the "comedian" says | Read More »
Heritage Action for America and Club for Growth have joined the “No D.C. Exemption" campaign.
Exactly two people are responsible for filing over 1,700 sex discrimination complaints with the federal Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights in the last few years. Catherine E. Lhamon,
Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has a detailed plan to boost the middle class and reduce inequality, largely by expanding government
President Obama doesn't think rich people are bad people - he just says they make too much money.

Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Jeb Bush will instead attend a competing GOP event in Atlanta.

How Liberals Ruined College

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

College should be a place of new ideas and challenging views. Instead, liberals have made it a place of fear and intimidation.
Obama scorned Christians at the Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit, twisting the words of Jesus into an insult against the Savior.
Yanis Varoufakis warned his country's financial situation is 'terribly urgent' after eurozone finance ministers met yesterday to discuss the final tranche of Greece's bailout.
"I think it was disrespectful," Terry O'Neill said.
It's vitally important we get the facts right about what an Convention of States is...and isn't.
She's baaaaaaaack. And she's maaaaaad.