Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has joined the chorus of Republican presidential candidates and members of Congress opposed to granting President Barack Obama’s request for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which would fast-track the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Pacific Rim trade deal.
Thanks to your calls and emails, the Texas House Calendars Committee passed our resolution yesterday!

John Stossel - Disobey!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Charles Murray, already controversial for writing books on how welfare hurts the poor, on ethnic differences in IQ and on (less controversial, but my favorite) happiness and good government, has written a new book that argues that it's time for civil disobedience.
Ted Cruz was on with Megyn Kelly tonight discussing the Jeb Bush interview, the Iraq War, Common Core, Mark Halperin, and a few other things and did a fantastic job. Watch the full interview: As a ...
Jeb Bush may be running at the top of the GOP presidential preference polls nationally, but the former Florida governor is also near the top of another survey: the can’t-support list.
Conservative author Ann Coulter ripped Michelle Obama on Fox News Monday night, blasting the first lady for recent comments made on race during a commencement ceremony. Speaking at Tuskegee University over the weekend, Obama said she was the "focus of another set of questions and speculations" because of...
The solution to poverty begins in the neighborhoods and the people affected by it, says Robert Woodson, the founder and president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise.
Four years after U.S. forces assassinated Osama bin Laden, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has published an explosive piece claiming much of what the Obama administration said about the attack was wrong. Hersh claims at the time of the U.S. raid, bin Laden had been held as a prisoner by Pakistani intelligence since 2006. Top Pakistani military leaders knew about the operation and provided key assistance. Contrary to U.S. claims that it located bin Laden by tracking his courier, a former Pakistani intelligence officer identified bin Laden’s whereabouts in return for the bulk of a $25 million U.S. bounty. Questions are also raised about whether bin Laden was actually buried at sea, as the U.S. claimed. Hersh says instead the Navy SEALs threw parts of bin Laden’s body into the Hindu Kush mountains from their helicopter. The White House claims the piece is "riddled with inaccuracies." Hersh joins us to lay out his findings and respond to criticism from government officials and media colleagues.
Hilary Green from Salisbury in Wiltshire, has made a formal complaint and is consulting lawyers about suing police after her 22-year-old son was falsely accused of raping a woman at a party.
Despite over $205 million in federal taxpayer funding, Hawaii’s Obamacare exchange website will soon shut down.  Since its implementation, the exchange has somehow failed to become financially viable because of lower than expected Obamacare enrollment figures. With the state legislature rejecting a $28 million bailout, the website will now be unable to operate past this year. According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser the Hawaii Health Connector will stop taking new enrollees on Friday and plans to begin migrating to the federally run Healthcare.gov.
Apparently, just being in certain rooms is a microaggression.
Hear the full show www.LouderWithCrowder.com! A point-by-point rebuttal to Obama's ridiculous "poverty summit" remarks... Follow me on Twitter: https://twitt...
For going on seven years we have learned three things about President Obama: 1) He loves the poor so much he continues to create more of them. 2) He loves the poor so much he does everything in his power
President Obama is squaring off against the liberal flank of his party Tuesday as Senate lawmakers head into a key test vote on the president’s trade agenda.
A student union officer who banned white people and men from an event promoting equality has claimed she "cannot be racist" because she is an ethnic minority woman.
It seems unfathomable for another man, and more so, for a woman to rape a man. This piece explores the existence of male rape in India as well as the associated psychological, social and legal issues.
My relationship with God trumps my connection to anyone on Earth. And now I’m getting sued.

Universal Health Care video

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Democratic senator Sherrod Brown is subtly accusing President Barack Obama of sexism in his attacks on Senator Elizabeth Warren, also a Democrat.  'I think the president was disrespectful to her by the way he did that...made this more personal,' Brown told reporters. 'I think referring to her as her first name, when he might not have done that for a male senator, perhaps--I've said enough.'
It's not what you think...
His insularity and public contempt for Democratic critics is self-defeating.
Mati Weiderpass called boycotters "small and intolerant" in an op-ed Sunday.
Nicole Eramo, Dean of the University of Virginia, has filed a lawsuit with the Circuit Court of the city of Charlottesville against Rolling Stone and writer Sabrina Erdely for the ...
What a shame: if only the economy had been better, the rioters would have had more name-brand stores to burn. Seriously, this had to be one of the strangest statements to come out of the Baltimore riots. On this evening's Ed Show, Baltimore Pastor Jamal Bryant complained that because of economic "disenfranchisement," the rioters "could only find one anchor store in that neighborhood" to destroy.