
Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post’s “The Fix” tries really, really hard to be a nice guy. A ham on Twitter, Cillizza does what many journalists can’t do: he pokes fun at politics while also tak...


To paraphrase the line about families, you can’t choose your native-born Americans—but you can choose your immigrants. Our immigration system will be working when the number of immigrants who commit crimes is zero.


Lindsey Graham will formally launch his bid for president in the small South Carolina town where he grew up.


“Watch what happens when a @HillaryClinton supporter asks her to sign something


In a forthcoming report triggered by an Associated Press investigation, the top watchdog at the Social Security Administration found the agency paid $20.2 million in benefits to more than 130 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards, and others who may have participated in the Third Reich's atrocities during World War II.


Obama may say ObamaCare is working, but that depends on the definition of “working.”


If Barack Obama can’t push gun control through the nation’s lawmaking body, then he’ll pile on the regulations. By November, the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are expected to finalize regulations that would restrict who is...


Whereas the left once claimed to "fight the establishment", the left now is the establishment. The modern-day left is absolutely everything that the religious right used to be.


American colleges and universities, long thought to be the glory of the nation, are in more than a little trouble.


Part 1 in a series on the differences between Left and Right.


WHAT THIS country needs, says Bernie Sanders, is less deodorant.


So, though no fault of your own, you are a young conservative male coming of age in a time when the deck is so heavily stacked against you that its like Michael Moore was leaning on it.


Rand Paul likes to buck his party.


"The senator from Kentucky needs to learn the rules of the Senate," McCain said


The presidential candidate didn’t explain how the profusion of toiletries leads to childhood hunger.


Birth certificates are so not inclusive.


Comicon and CPAC are portrayed as dominated by men and hostile to women. Reality says otherwise.


MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews made perfectly clear he is over the moon with the newly "authentic" and "relatable" Hillary Clinton, beguiled by her jokes the other day at a South Carolina Democratic women's event about how she's been dying her hair for years and so won't go gray in the White House.


Plies Interview Pt. 2 Speaks On How Foul Fans Can Be Sometimes & Bust It Babies Reality Show! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VEuDL_DGIs How to Beauty speckl...


FOX NEWSGreg Gutfeld will host the new FOX News Channel program "The Greg Gutfeld Show."Gutfeld will continue to appear on "The Five" as he takes on his new gig as


Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders, a Democratic candidate for president of the United States, can't seem to figure out how to get himself out from under the controversy he generated by the discovery of an essay he wrote in 1972 that describes women's rape fantasies.Here's his latest 'explanation':Longshot Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, dealing with the blowback over an unusual essay published 40 years ago about rape fantasies, clumsily backed away from the controversial piece Sunday, comparing it to the erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey.