Joe Scarborough argued "it's the New York Times now that Howard Dean and James Carville, and Clinton Inc. are calling right wing operatives"

Quinnipiac: Walker Leading in Iowa

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

A new Quinnipiac poll of likely Iowa Republican presidential caucusgoers finds Wisconsin's Scott Walker in front of the GOP pack with 21 percent support and a 9-point advantage over his closest primary opponents.
The Democratic presidential candidate squandered a quarter century’s worth of opportunities to improve the city and state.
I have some questions.
Is it too late to have an opinion about the terrorist attack in Texas? I know it's been, like, three whole days. No story can stay "relevant" for three days, unless it's something of historic importance like a royal baby or a transgendered reality TV personality. But Garland? Well,...
The headline at Sandhya Somashekhar's Washington Post column on Pamela Geller, whose Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest was the target of a failed terrorist attack, acts as if that attack is her fault: "Event organizer offers no apology after thwarted attack in Texas." Somashekhar's work reeks of contempt for Geller and her efforts, even going beyond the media malfeasance cited in the Brent Bozell-Tim Graham column posted at NewsBusters Tuesday evening.
A new CBS News/New York Times poll conducted between April 30-May 3 shows 61 percent of Americans now believe that relations between the races are bad.
An unidentified "senior law enforcement official" tells the New York Times that, while the FBI had been aware of Garland, Texas jihadist attacker Elton Simpson for nearly a decade, they did not follow his violent, pro-jihad tweets as closely as they could have because "there are so many like him" that the agency is overwhelmed.
WEASEL ZIPPERS “Tragic history” = A city with only Democrat mayors since 1967. Via Business Insider President Barack Obama addressed the unrest in Baltimore that occurred in the aftermath of the death of Freddie Gray, the African American male who died April 19 from a fatal injury to his spine while he was in police custody. The president spoke at Lehman College in New York City on Monday to promote the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, a mentoring program for boys and young men of color. During the speech, Obama lamented what he described as the “tragic history in this country that has made it tougher for some.” Obama pointed to the “sense of unfairness and powerless of people not hearing their voices, that’s helped fueled some of the protest we’ve seen in places like Baltimore, and Ferguson and right here in New York.”[…] Obama highlighted the importance of the task force on community policing, formed by the White House in the wake of 2014 protests against the police-involved deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. and Eric Garner in New York. “I’m interested in responsibility and I’m interested in results.” The president started the My Brother’s Keeper intiative in February 2014. On Monday, he announced the creation of My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, a non-profit organization that will carry out the mission of the original White House effort. Keep reading
The pro-abortion crowd is getting desperate. With public opinion slowly shifting away from their favor and the  number of abortion mills closing, it seems their days are numbered. According to Salon,com there is only one thing left to do about the pro-life movement: "more people, media and academics in public discourse, need to talk about this as terrorism — because that’s what it is."
McConnell is giddy to hand führer powers to Obama on trade, immigration and climate change, calling it an "out of body experience."
The Massachusetts Democrat earns Four Pinocchios for mischaracterizing a report with fishy numbers.
In a head-to-head runoff, Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election over Jeb Bush, a CNBC Millionaire Survey reveals.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may be the most popular GOP presidential hopeful nationwide, but he trails his rivals badly in the critical state of Iowa.
What do Baltimoreans and ‘Okies from Muskogee’ have in common?
The modern war on drugs began on the streets—led by blacks.
Ministers hope the controversial move could raise as much as €180 million, which the Athens government hopes will help the country avoid defaulting on debts owed to international creditors.
The Pentagon has no plans to stage a military takeover of the Lone Star state. There are no tunnels covertly being constructed under West Texas' shuttered Wal-Mart stores. So why are the fringes of the Internet still abuzz with rumors that the U.S. military is on the cusp of imposing martial law in "hostile" Texas under the guise of a training exercise dubbed "Jade Helm 15"? Representatives of the military and Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R), whose state is expected to host part of the planned training exercise, have sought to tamp down speculation that "Jade Helm 15" is anything other than a standard training exercise. But a slew of other influential figures in conservative circles have either deliberately or inadvertently given credence to those who buy into the wild conspiracy theories surrounding the upcoming exercise. Here's a look at who's been stoking the fire:
The latest Iowa polling numbers are great news for Scott Walker, and terrible news for Jeb Bush. The Wisconsin governor retains his advantage among Iowa Republican caucus-goers, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, with 21 percent of likely participants saying they would vote for him if the caucus were held today. Also...
It's a massive shock that has turned Canadian politics on its head. The NDP has won a majority government in Alberta and the incumbent premier, Jim Prentice, resigned as PC leader and from his seat. Plus, there's a tie in one riding.
Baltimore State’s Atty Marilyn Mosby Charged Wrong People, Wrong Names, Wrong Addresses Of 2 Officers - Gateway Pundit What a disaster. Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged the wrong pe...
In a bulletin, the self-declared Islamic State said the two suspects were "soldiers from the soldiers of the Caliphate." U.S. officials said they were investigating a link to international terrorism.