Some parents offended by battle re-enactment in school's civil war class
Hillary Rodham Clinton pledged Tuesday that, if elected, she would go even further than President Obama in issuing executive actions should Congress fail to pass immigration reforms. Seeking to dra...
If the truck encounters a situation it can’t confidently handle, like heavy snow, it will alert the human that it’s time for him to take over via beeps and icons.
I was targeted by the IRS in a coordinated attack at the highest levels of government...and we now have the proof.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Ajit Pai said he anticipates that, as a result of the passage of net neutrality regulations, federal regulators will attempt to control political websites.
In a shockingly candid moment betraying his sexist view of Republican female politicians, Hardball host Chris Matthews tonight mused that Carly Fiorina may lob "scurrilous" attacks at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton while banking on her gender to shield her from scrutiny. He also envisioned Republican suburban housewives sneaking out of the house to vote for Hillary without "telling hubby."
Comedy Central's Amy Schumer: Guns Still Easier To Get Than Birth Control Pills.
For the first time in five decades, the U.S. is allowing ferry service between Florida and Cuba.
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Quick - What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Hillary?
Five-term incumbent Sen. John McCain may have reason to fear a primary challenge. Newly released data from liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling shows half of Arizona’s Republican primary voters disapprove of McCain's job performance, and more than half would prefer a more conservative Senate candidate in 2016.
Newly minted presidential candidate Carly Fiorina went toe-to-toe with liberal journalist Katie Couric on MOnday, sparring for 45 minutes on abortion, Hillary Clinton and qualifications for President. Couric complained about Fiorina's criticism of Clinton: "You've had some unkind words for Hillary Clinton. You said that she was not trustworthy and she hasn't accomplished very much. I think people might think, 'Well, she was the senator from New York and she was the Secretary of State.'"

Time for Article V convention

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Time for Article V convention
For decades now, those concerned about global warming have been predicting the so-called “tipping point” -- the point beyond which it’ll be too late to stave off catastrophic global warming.
Rare color World War II-era photos from Life magazine.
Results of the “Nation’s Report Card” released this week by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) show that only 18 percent of 8th-graders are “proficient” or above in U.S. history, and only 23 percent are proficient in civics.
A 'message to the crusaders' was posted on social media today, supposedly from ISIS terrorist Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki, naming 5 target states, and saying they have 71 members ready to attack America...
Government agents free to kill unarmed Americans like Freddie Gray—and have the support of conservatives while they do it—is simply unimaginable.
As our legislative session heads into its final four weeks, I look forward to returning to the District, but until then there is still much work to be done. These final weeks of session are fast-paced, exciting and some of the best times in the Capitol as we begin to see the fruits of our labors as final debates are held, and legislation is signed into law. 
American ingenuity is the envy of the world, and why not? The exceptional nation may no longer be the workshop of the world — Americans drive cars built in Japan, wear pants made in Malaysia, shirts sewn in Burma, shoes cobbled in Canada and drawers, from petite to queen size, manufactured in China — but nobody makes excuses, takes offense quicker and nurtures hurt feelings longer than the Americans. Taking offense is the great American growth industry.
People who are trying to do good for their families and the planet by living a simple life based on traditional skills are facing yet another assault. Artisanal soap makers say new regulations, proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), will put them out of business.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a likely candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, speaks Spanish in a new video celebrating Cinco de Mayo. The video was released by Bush's political action committee, which described it as a message for the entire Hispanic population in the United States, but especially those of Mexican origin. Bush is fluent in Spanish. Cinco de Mayo is an honorable date when Mexico, our neighbor, bravely defended itself against a foreign intervention, Bush said. Here in the U.S., Cinco de Mayo has become a day where we celebrate our ties with Mexico and the great contributions of the Mexican-American community in the U.S. Bush said that for him personally, that relationship is very profound because his wife Columba was born in Mexico. I have great respect and affection for our neighboring country, he added. Bush's success in reaching out to Hispanic voters is seen as an asset in the coming campaign, but many conservatives are skeptical of his views on immigration.
Recent revelations lead one to wonder not so much whether Hillary Clinton can win the Democratic nomination for president, but whether she can stay on the right side of the law.
Yes, it's that bad.