The new law will ratchet down the length of time that a family can draw welfare benefits and ramp up job-training, school or volunteer requirements.
In the current issue of THE WEEKLY STANDARD, I have an editorial on the plight of Aaron and Melissa Klein—two Oregonians who used to own a bakery in a Portland suburb, who were run out of business and recently assessed a $135,000 fine for politely declining to provide a cake for a gay wedding. For background, please do read the whole thing. However, there's a pretty alarming lesson here about the selective nature of progressive tolerance that the editorial only touches on. 
Among the many painful ironies in the current racial turmoil is that communities scattered across the country were disrupted by riots and looting because of the demonstrable lie that Michael Brown was shot in the back by a white policeman in Missouri -- but there was not nearly as much turmoil created by the demonstrable fact that a fleeing black man was shot dead by a white policeman in South Carolina.
A group calling itself Supporters of the Islamic State in Jerusalem has continued to challenge the Gaza-ruling Palestinian entity Hamas.
Former HP CEO joins a rapidly growing and increasingly diverse group.
Johnson on Hillary Congressional Appearance: 'A lot to Answer for Her Dereliction of Duty'
John Heilemann, a political analyst and frequent guest on Morning Joe looks a new poll numbers for Hillary Clinton and explains why the polling on her being honest is 'crushingly bad'. In fact he s...
As many WUWT readers know, I have been using alexa.com for quite sometime to gauge the performance of WUWT. Reader "Pat" brought this recent strange disparity to my attention. When you see things l...
If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in...
The Justice Department checked with the White House before informing a federal judge that it was already carrying out part of President Obama’s immigration amnesty, administration attorneys revealed in documents filed in court late last week as they tried to head off a judicial spanking.
The Obama administration is expressing regret to U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen — the man presiding over 26 states' court challenge to executive amnesty — for not being entirely forthcoming about the implementation dates associated with the programs.
Ayman Mohyeldin is advertised by NBC News as an objective reporter. This objective reporter became infamous earlier this year for lying about and smearing a decorated veteran sniper, the late Chris Kyle,  as a “racist” who  went on anti-Muslim “killing
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is most likely the Republican candidate that could beat Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, according to a Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll released Tuesday.
The gallop of assisted suicide legislation should serve as a call to action for an interdependent society- one in which we are uncompromising in our respect for others. Does suicide reflect that respect?
Yesterday I gave you my thoughts on the Conservatives. Today it’s UKIP’s turn. The reasons for not wanting to vote UKIP seem to me fairly obvious. Either you’re a stupid lefty or you’re in a Tory/Labour marginal and you only
Our First Lady has taken time out from her self-appointed role as America’s Food Nazi to fulfill her new role as “First Propagandist” in Obama’s coordinated Race War on America… First lady Michelle Obama used a speech Monday that was supposed to be celebrating the opening of a new museum to instead dig deeper the
Bill removes a provision making it illegal for firms to record cellphone conversations without consent if person owes money to company
Leading off a report on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign for Tuesday's CBS This Morning, correspondent Julianna Goldman proclaimed: "Secretary Clinton has been trying to frame her campaign around issues like immigration reform....But her message has been muddled by a series of recent distractions, including questions about donations to the Clinton Foundation. And this morning her campaign is once again trying to break through the noise."
In a tell-all book, Fidel Castro's former bodyguard asserts the Cuban dictator ran cocaine and marijuana trafficking "like a godfather."
Plato famously wanted to abolish the family and put children into care of the state. Some still think the traditional family has a lot to answer for, but some plausible arguments remain in favour of it. Joe Gelonesi meets a philosopher with a rescue plan very much in tune with the times.
On Monday, neurosurgeon and Tea Party favorite Ben Carson officially threw his hat into the 2016 presidential race and after his announcement, Conan O’Brien mercilessly attacked his conservative ideology on his late night TBS program. 
Do you know how to get lots of people to hate you in America? In the age when people seem to bend over backwards to let you know that theyre offended, its actually pretty easy.
Robert Spencer went on CNN a few minutes ago to defend the Garland Drawing Muhammad event and to explain why, amid criticism, they want to do more of them. Watch:
The attack on Pamela Geller's Mohammed Art Exhibit has links to the Somali community in Minneapolis.
Hitler. Goebbels. Hebdo. Really? Can the PEN members boycotting Tuesday’s Courage Award for the slain French satirists really not tell the difference between racism and mocking racism?