** Profanity warning ** Rose McGowan attends Clinton Foundation event hosted by accused rapist Bill Clinton in Los Angeles, March 17, 2011. Source: TimesSquareGossip.com Apologies in advance for the unedited profanity in this article, but it cannot be edited from…
Ronald Reagan could deliver a speech almost like no other President. 31 years ago, Reagan delivered an address to commemorate an unknown serviceman in the Vietnam War. Never one to make such moments about himself, the speech is a brief 9 minutes long.
The text of the speech follows:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview over Memorial Day weekend that he’s getting much closer to a decision on whether he’ll pursue a presidential campaign in 2016, a decision he expects will come in early July.
Ludwig Von Mises worked as an economic-policy advisor to the Vienna Chamber of Commerce from 1909 to 1934. As Richard Ebeling notes: What comes out from reading Mises's policy writings from this pe...
Cruz's shilling for fast-track authority for the president may be the last straw.
Here's a list of English language texts recovered from the al-Qaida leader's compound after he was killed in 2011.
In a recent survey conducted by AlJazeera.net, the website for the Al Jazeera Arabic television channel, respondents overwhelmingly support the Islamic State terrorist group, with 81% voting “YES” on whether they approved of ISIS’s conquests in the region.
Bill Nye the Science Guy made a bold claim in a Vox interview leading up to Memorial Day, saying the U.S. Constitution supports his notion that those who question science are "unpatriotic." Bill Nye: Denying science is "unpatriotic" http://t.co/xB2qiPtpDk pic.twitter.com/sACNtaPuta— Vox (@voxdotcom) May 24, 2015 To wit: When...
Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott has ruled out a referendum in Australia to formally recognize same-sex marriage. Speaking in the wake of the landslide win in Ireland for proponents of the same change, he refused to entertain any similar poll
As we all know, Wikipedia has one major flaw in it's design: it allows gang warfare. We see this in many political entries, such as the Wikipedia entries for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, which...
As American cities enact higher minimum wages, some small business owners are left scrambling
Every Memorial Day, we hear speeches from government leaders praising what they call the sacrifices of American soldiers. On Memorial Day 2013, President Obama said: [N]ot all Americans may always ...
“Can racism be stopped in the third grade?” That’s the question asked in this week’s New York Magazine cover story by journalist Lisa Miller. The short answer, of course, is that it all depends on ...
On Wednesday, the Service Employees International Union, as part of its four-year old plan to unionize the nation's fast-food workers, launched a frontal assault on McDonald's corporate headquarters in Oakbrook, Illinois. During the event, over 100 protesters, as well SEIU boss and fast-food unionization architect Mary Kay Henry, were arrested. After her arrest, the SEIU's self-anointed Burger Queen actually thanked the police on her Twitter | Read More »
Amongst the finest and most noble traditions of the American people is the commemoration of Memorial Day.
Even when they revisit the Chandra Levy murder case, The Washington Post keeps scrubbing out the fact that the convicted murderer, Ingmar Guandique, a Salvadoran, is an illegal immigrant (and in some stories, a gang member with the vicious Salvardoran gang MS-13). It happened again in a front-page story on Saturday on a new trial for Guandique, with 1,080 words but no usage of “illegal immigrant” anywhere:
Charity Navigator should make this an informal rule: If your charity is employing Sidney Blumenthal, it automatically goes on the watch list.
The ethical controversies around Hillary Clinton and the...
A project dubbed the "biggest construction failure" in the history of the Department of Veterans Affairs -- already $1 billion over budget and more than a year behind schedule -- is getting another $100 million taxpayer bailout.
Construction will continue on a new veterans medical center near...
(Image Fox News) In 2008 then Senator Obama stated during an interview that he would bankrupt the coal industry. It ...
Do blondes really have more fun? That’s a question often thrown at a serious woman with brainy gray matter under her golden tresses. The popular perception that blondes paid for those tresses with diminished intellectual power remains pervasive in the culture. (You could Google it.) But it’s specifically used as a cudgel by the left if a particular blonde is a conservative. These critics increasingly employ a variation on the theme to disparage any good-looking blonde you’re likely to find on one specific network. (Guess which one.)“So pervasive is the smear that all the female commentators and anchors on Fox (News Channel) are dumb blonde chicks that it was actually fact-checked” by PolitiFact, writes Kirsten Powers, who found many such examples in researching her book about how liberals try to shut up those with whom they disagree.In the book, The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech, she offers a trenchant analysis of how the “illiberal left” tries to delegitimize and demonize opponents (and not just blondes). As a blond Fox News commentator herself, she’s the wolf in chic clothing.
“Following six years of President Obama’s steady and determined withdrawal from the Middle East, America’s standing in the region has collapsed.”
As ISIS continues its orgy of rape and beheadings in Ramadi, perhaps our president could show a rare flash of dignity by simply slipping out the back door of the White House and down the road to the links instead of putting on his annual farce of honoring the sacred dead at Arlington.
If you love In-N-Out burgers and care about the workers who flip your burgers, then you should support a minimum wage of $0.