Ted Cruz has spent a lifetime fighting to defend the Constitution — our nation’s founding document and the supreme law of the land — which was crafted by our founding fathers to act as chains to bind the mischief of government and to protect the...
Pelosi and VA say 70,000 fewer veterans would get medical care because of the House appropriations bill. Not so.
New concerns are being raised that the nation's electrical grid and critical infrastructure are increasingly vulnerable to a catastrophic foreign attack -- amid speculation over whether officials are eyeing a former Cold War bunker, inside a Colorado mountain, as a shield against such a strike.
The law had been intended to reduce the need to rely on emergency rooms. 
Ben Shapiro looks at the truth behind the great Indiana bigotry lie.
Spontaneous song and prayer broke out during the lockdown of the attendees of the Mohammad Art Exhibit and Contest.
Officer Brian Moore, 25, of the NYPD who was allegedly shot in the face by ex-convict Demetrius Blackwell, 35, has died of his injuries two days after he was gunned down on Saturday in Queens.
Violence over depictions of the Prophet Mohammed may mystify many non-Muslims, but it speaks to a central tenet of Islam: the worship of God alone.
The Locals Of Bath Are Backing UKIP! GE2015 Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&host...
GARLAND, Texas/PHOENIX (Reuters) - Federal agents for years monitored one of the two gunmen who were shot dead after opening fire with assault rifles at a heavily guarded Texas exhibit of caricatures of
Family of 25-year-old Brian Moore decided to take him off life support
The Tories Are Out Of Touch With The British Public Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xcl...
The wannabe Charlie Hebdo killers couldn't snuff out this defiant act of free speech.

Scott Walker on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Hope for Republicans there still is. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #StarWarsDay @StarWars -TW”
Two new reports highlight the financial burden and physical strain Obamacare is placing on the healthcare system. Almost half of the insurance exchanges set up by states are struggling financially,

The Colorado state Senate today passed a bill that would provide justice for unborn children who are killed or injured in violent crimes against their mother. The chamber approved the bill on an 18-17 vote with every Republican supporting the bill and every single Democrat in the Colorado Senate saying that unborn children are not […]


Decoding the Rules of Baltimore

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

No one knows what exactly happened to the deceased Freddie Gray, except that it should not have happened. Between what is outlined in the indictments and what will be proven in court is an unknown abyss. But the more dramatic the short-term exuberance over the sweeping indictments, the more likely the long-term fury when the charges are likely to be substantially reduced or unproven in court.
The upcoming Paris climate treaty conference which Obama is expected to ratify, renders scuttling the global warming paradigm increasingly urgent.

The Baltimore Democrats built

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The left’s approach to poverty has failed.
· Scientists say eight years left to avoid worst effects · Panel urges governments to act immediately
Ben Carson Announces Run for President: Time For People To Rise Up
CNN's Carol Costello and Dana Bash argued that the competition between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina was a "weird girl fight"
Rush Limbaugh declared that "people that want to bribe the Clintons are starting to get scared because the scam has been exposed"
Republicans are taking a growing interest in Orthodox Jews — not only as voters, but also as key funders. How will this new breed of religious activism shape national politics?