During an exclusive interview with former Baltimore Mayor and Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley on Thursday’s edition of The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper asked the possible presidential candidate for what he thinks of “conservatives who say, this shows that liberal policies are failing urban America.” In addition to discussing the protests and rioting in Baltimore and what was then known about the investigation into the death of Freddie Gray, Tapper shifted to discussing his record as mayor in context of what’s taken place over the last week in the Charm City. 

Terrorist Attack in Texas

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The target was Pamela Geller's "Draw Mohammed Day" event, which was critical of Islam  
While political elites, pundits and local politicians debate what the Baltimore riots were really about, Americans themselves have already decided.
The redefinition of the word violence continues among revelations that discounting a sexual partner's feelings and withholding sex constitutes sexual
Arab terrorist shot while trying to stab Jews at light rail station in north-eastern Jerusalem.
Local government cannot by itself fix problems of violence and unemployment like those brought to light in last week's Baltimore protests, Mayor Nutter said Sunday.
Ted Cruz, who recently won two straw polls in SC, attacked big business for its collusion with Dems in attacking IN’s religious liberty law.
As Baltimore self-immolates, it cries out to Obama and the leftist party of slavery, eugenics, and abortion: you built that.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced her run for president on "Good Morning America" Monday, calling herself the "best person for the job" while also taking a shot at Hillary Clinton, accusing her of not being trustworthy. "Yes, I am running for president," Fiorina told ABC News'...
As it stands, Corker-Cardin is a bad deal that paves the way for the President’s worse deal with Iran.
As she gets set to announce a presidential bid, Carly Fiorina talks about her thoughts on the Democrats' "war on women" strategy and how they had been successful, to at least some extent, in branding the Republican party and its candidates as antagonistic to women.
CNN anchor John Vause wondered if questions were "being asked" if "in some ways, were they asking for some kind of attack"
Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan is troubled by the charges filed against six Baltimore police officers by Maryland state attorney Marilyn Mosby and believes the prosecution of the indicted offic
When armed men attacked people gathered in Garland, Texas, on May 3 over Prophet Muhammad cartoons, armed police cut them down.
The situation could get sticky.
Positioning himself as an outsider in a crowded Republican presidential field, the retired neurosurgeon planned a formal announcement on Monday.
Soopermexican posted this Muslim's tweet earlier, but I wanted to point out a few things about it: First of all this tweet appears to have occurred 15 to 20 minutes before the actual shooting if th...
See this is why I love Twitter! Soledad O'Brien was a guest on CNN today whining that the word "thug" is just coded language for the n-word, and racist. Of course her reasoning is that it's only ap...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon turned conservative star, has

Meet the Vagina Voters

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The women voting for Hillary because she's a woman are setting feminism back a hundred years.
A look at the W100K
Two suspects were killed and a district security officer was wounded at the Culwell Center, where an art show centering on caricatures of Muhammad was being held.
As Hillary Clinton runs for president, her husband’s friendship with a mining magnate faces scrutiny.
Accountability comes from having law enforcement under multiple umbrellas.