Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify on Capitol Hill later this month about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and about her email practices.
Responses at a major liberal website demonstrate how liberals are eager to excuse Islamist violence.
As was the case with the Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown stories, in Baltimore last week, CNN distinguished itself as a Hate Network more than any other. Like most of the media, in order to keep the Jim Crow of
WASHINGTON -- Carly Fiorina is presenting herself as the anti-Hillary Clinton, a Republican businesswoman ideally positioned to take on the Democratic front-runner on women's issues in the general election. But the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, who ann...
NoisyRoom.net Ted Cruz: Americans Need Guns Just in Case They Need to Shoot the Government Cruz Releases Report: Obama’s Power Grab as Demonstrated in Court Cases

The Fall of the House of Clinton

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Boys and girls, Count Victor presents a berrry, berrry scarrrrrry tale of political corruption run amok. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Hillary Clinton will probably survive her latest ethical ...
Maine recently joined 35 other states this year in filing the Convention of States (COS) resolution calling for an Article V convention limited to proposing ame
The Prison Rape Elimination Act has been co-opted by the Gaystapo who won’t rest until the Bible is considered hate speech.
Few things undermine the foundations of a just society more than people who have been granted the power to prosecute acting not on the basis of the facts and the law, but out of political motives. To which Mika Brzezinski says . . . meh.  On today's Morning Joe, there was a discussion of the possibility that Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby overcharged the police officers in the Freddie Gray case. And a clip was played of Mosby repeating the politically-correct phrase of the moment: that the rioters were not "thugs."  After which Brzezinski declared: "I watched her speaking and I was thinking, gosh, it seems political. Not sure I care. I'm really glad her voice is at the table. I'm really glad that she's there."
After armed gunmen opened fire at a free speech event in Texas on Sunday, all three networks on Monday chided the sponsor organization as "notorious" or "controversial." The American Freedom Defense Initiative created a contest to draw the Prophet Muhammad and while ABC's Good Morning America covered the details of the attack, co-host George Stephanopoulos wondered: "How about the event itself? The organizers said it was organized to take a stand for free speech. Is it fair, also, to call it anti-Muslim?" 
In an ornate room on the first floor of the Capitol, some of the most liberal members of Congress met for lunch on Thursday with nearly a dozen stalwart conservatives who’ve repeatedly taken on their own leadership for being too soft. The agenda consisted of a single topic, perhaps the only one that would bring together such ideologically divergent...
On Sunday, self-described Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sat down with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos to discuss his newly formed presidential campaign and the This Week moderator fretted that his guest’s campaign could cause trouble for Hillary Clinton. Stephanopoulos claimed that “[m]ost people don’t believe you can actually become President of the United States. Are you worried at all that your race might weaken Hillary Clinton without helping yourself?”
UKIP: Nigel Farage - Being Fit And Healthy Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hoste...
UKIP: Steven Woofle - Outing The 3 Mainstream Parties Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-x...
Seattle, WA - A man who was enjoying his 2nd Amendment right at the Seattle May Day March (2015) started out by giving interviews to various news agencies and talking with people in the crowd before
UKIP: Nigel Farage - The Australian Style Immigration Point System Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/we...
From MSNBC hosts to George Soros, taxes for thee but not for me.
You’re either on board with the Left, or you’re completely illegitimate.
DETROIT (AP) — Retired surgeon Ben Carson has made it official, telling a crowd in his hometown of Detroit that he's running for president.
UKIP: Steven Woofle - Another Representative Getting Tired Of The Bias Media Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/...

Scott Walker Strikes Again

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

For a quarter of a century, Republican presidential candidates have uttered variations of George H. W. Bush’s high pitched pledge: “I want to be the education president.” It has gotten them exactly...
Dean Obeidallah argued that while drawing Mohammed is "defensible," there are "limits" on free speech for trying to "incite hatred"
It turns out that one of the most immediate impacts of global warming may be the loss of large herbivores. Renowned professor William Ripple, of the College of Forestry with the Oregon Sate University, led a team of global wildlife ecologists to conduct an...
UKIP: Nigel Farage - Paying Respects To The Fallen Heroes Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=...