Brandeis Asian students group apologizes to Asian students "triggered or hurt by the content of the microaggressions in our installation"
Students allege they're victims of 'discriminatory violence' from school's historic seal and its lack of diversity classes.
Roland Fryer has been announced as the most recent recipient of the John Bates Clark metal, one of the most prestigious awards in economics. This is a useful time to reflect on his research showing that good schools matter. To many, this might seem to be a strange claim to [...]
KENNEWICK, Wash. -- After recently shutting down the fundraising page for persecuted Christian bakers in Oregon, the popular crowdfunding site GoFundMe has now removed a page for a Christian florist who is at risk of losing her business, home and/or life savings for declining to use her services for a same-sex "wedding." The removal of the…
According to a police document obtained by The Post, a prisoner in a separate compartment of the same Baltimore police van as Freddie Gray told officers he heard Gray “banging against the walls.”
A Kentucky human rights commission found that Hands On Originals had violated the law by refusing to print the T-shirts; a Kentucky trial court just reversed that decision.
The IRS watchdog investigating the disappearance of Lois Lerner's emails has found about 6,400 messages that have never before been turned over to Congress
He could already see marriage equality coming in 2003.
Bill O'Reilly in his talking points about the riots in Baltimore MA. He describes why the black community is the losers in this situation. The riots aren't h...
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered the police to stand down as riots and looting broke out across they city, a new report claims,
Despite a firm denial by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a senior law enforcement source charges that she gave an order for police to stand down as riots broke out Monday night, raising more questions about whether some of the violence and looting could have been prevented.
Roland Martin: Obama Should Be Criticized For Calling Rioters Thugs
There's a big story going around about a woman who tried to take a man's purse in downtown Baltimore. As you can see in the video, he walked up to the woman ...
The "embarrassed" Baltimore protester who was yanked from the streets after his mother caught him with rioters spoke out Wednesday. "I understand how much my mama really cares about me," Michael Singleton told ABC News. "I just got to try to do better." Singleton recounted...
University of Alabama climatologists have released the newest version of their satellite temperature datasets. Interestingly enough, the updated satellite data came with a surprise: it lowered the Ea
I can still remember when the feminist line was “women don't need any help from men”.
Sr. Law Enforcement Official: Baltimore Mayor Said "Let the Protesters Loot, It's Only Property" A senior Baltimore law enforcement official said the mayor told police officials, "Let them loot. It's only property." Via Your World with Neil Cavuto:
Don't expect your kids to learn this in a government school ...
A Baltimore writer on racial tension and the limits of diversity.
More than 60 percent of Israeli Jews named President Barack Obama as the “worst” U.S. president for Israel in the past four decades, according to a new poll published Tuesday in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. Columnist Shmuel Rosner, who contributed questions to the poll, reported...
Where are the black fathers in Baltimore? They don‘t exist. I saw black mothers in the streets. I saw black male teens. But no black fathers trying to keep their kids off the streets and away from violence. Where is Barack Obama? Our nation’s first black president has...
Are you ready for a rumble on the Hill?
CNN's Brooke Baldwin has apologized on Twitter after claiming modern veterans 'ready to do battle' contributed to police brutality and Baltimore's riots.
From the 1660s until the revolution, American colonists burned effigies of the pope yearly. Loyalist officials were accused of promoting "the Popish religion." Most colonists would have regarded th...
Idiotic takes on the ongoing Baltimore riots aren't restricted to the airwaves: here are the top ten worst reactions to the riots the liberal media Twitterverse had to offer. (WATCH: Badly Injured Co