The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) says it has found thousands more of those "missing" Lerner emails - including, it believes, those that were previously not turned over to Congress.
As I do every morning, I was flipping through the news shows when I came across a CNN panel advertised as objective journalism. Nevertheless, The Washington Post’s Nia-Malika Henderson and Errol Lewis never once brought up the fact that Baltimore
(Milwaukee Athletic Club) New York Mayor Bill de Blasio traveled to Milwaukee to attend a fundraiser where he delivered a blistering speech attacking Scott Walker and the wealthy. “Governor Walker is part of a dangerous breed of Republicans, a group actively?

Hickok45 vs Rachel Maddow

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Comparison of Hickok45's viewership to Rachel Maddow's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Maddow Hickok45 youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/...
In The Wall Street Journal, Allysia Finley writes that guided by bad science, regulators are flushing away millions of gallons of water to protect a three-inch fish.
Pope Francis is about to release his encyclical about global warming and is expected to advocate for cutting the fossil fuel use that he and others blame for temperature rises. A Vatican declaration authored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and others who attended a meeting Tuesday on global warming. The document from participants of the meeting pushes for ditching …
Obama's just like Reagan... Except when he isn't. Trickle Down Economics versus Trickle Down Socialism Ronald Reagan's economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip - 4.9% after the recession. That's a 32% bump. During the Obama years, thanks…

Enough With The Male-Bashing

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The feminist movement was about ending sexism and stereotypes. It was not about creating a new form of sexism.
When asked by a reporter to describe the Clinton Foundation's charitable efforts, a top Clinton Foundation official declared, "This is not charity."

April 27, 2015 - Elizabeth Olsen

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The media misses an important Baltimore news story during the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and Elizabeth Olsen discusses her film "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
It’s an iron rule of economics: If you want less of something, tax it. If you want more of something, subsidize it. This iron rule captures a deep truth not just about money but about human nature ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough let loose Tuesday, blasting his
Bruce Jenner is a man deciding he wants to live as a gay man in a woman flesh suit—selfishly justifying his decision by claiming some gnostic femininity.
It's never enough. American taxpayers have surrendered billions and billions and billions of dollars to the social-justice-spender-in-chief. But it's never, ever enough.

Freddie Gray Had A Long Rap Sheet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Freddie Gray, the deceased man at the center of the unrest in Baltimore, had numerous run-ins with the law prior to his fatal detainment in April -- with offenses ranging from felony drug possession t
Looks like a few Charm City capitalists need to check their white privilege. CBS Baltimore: Well, they should've thought about that before they ran a business in a town where a black guy die
Whole Foods was criticized Tuesday for their efforts to support local law enforcement who have been working tirelessly to secure Baltimore after riots took hold of the city Monday evening. "We teamed up with Whole Foods Market Mt. Washington to make sandwiches for the men and women keeping...
Though you don't need a rainbow sticker on the back of your car to tell the world you are black, the gay rights movement is intent on equating the struggle for black civil rights with their own quest to redefine marriage. And it was abundantly obvious yesterday that the Supreme Court recognizes this would be a redefinition of the institution. What also became obvious was | Read More »
Right to work states south of Maryland are partly to blame for today's rioting in Baltimore, Hardball host Chris Matthews suggested tonight as he wrapped an interview via satellite with former NAACP president and former Congressman Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.).
Let's play, "Imagine if George W. Bush said this"
In one night of mayhem Katrice Gardner lost her home, her job — and nearly her life.
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The Blue-City Model

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Baltimore shows how progressivism has failed urban America, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.
From the Washington Post: A charity affiliated with the Clinton Foundation failed to reveal the identities of its 1,100 donors, creating a broad exception to the foundation’s promise to disclose funding sources as part of an ethics agreement with the