The U.S. central bank has kept its key funds rate anchored near zero since late-2008 to spark the economy during the financial crisis.
Justice Alito asked the right questions during Tuesday’s hearing in Obergfell v. Hodges, the Left doesn't want us to know the answers.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake press conference about the Freddie Gray riots.
We have great news from Maine!
Venezuela will begin rationing electrical supplies this week. Venezuelan Vice President Jorge Arreaza blamed the measure on climate change.
Watch this video of a Missouri state senator delivering a powerful message in favor of a Convention of States.
Bill Clinton collected hefty speaking fees as the “honorary chairman” of a for-profit university, but suddenly ended his relationship last week after Hillary Rodham Clinton attacked for-profit coll...
Late last week, former San Francisco mayor--and Hillary Clinton supporter--Willie Brown said that the "Clinton Cash" scandal could prove "fatal" to her candidacy. Sanders, who warned in the past that Clinton would not fight the "billionaire class," seems to agree--but could be too radical for voters. Jerry Brown's opportunity may have come.
Occasionally Morning Joe can be quite eclectic. When watching the show one could be following a clear trail of logic, only to be blindsided by a burst of absurdity. Such was the case with Monday’s broadcast, in which Joe Scarborough compared Republican voters to drunks. While critiquing Hillary’s prospects for the presidency in the face of the Clinton Foundation scandals, Joe suddenly jumped onto a Republican bashing tangent, "I say this to Republicans all the time, cause we’re the ones who usually make really really bad choices. Please put down the whiskey and car keys...And we always make these horrible decisions every four years."
Last month, Oregon Governor Kate Brown received considerable media attention when she put her signature on a new law that automatically registers every licensed driver in the Beaver State to vote. Here in California, newly-minted Secretary of State Alex Padilla is pushing for the state legislature to follow Oregon’s lead.
Eric Zuesse In order to attract some of the liberal support that would otherwise go to Bernie Sanders, who is her new challenger for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton is ...
U.S. economic growth disappoints
I knew there was a reason I liked Iron Man.
Carl Stokes criticized Obama and Stephanie Rawlings-Blake for referring to rioters in Baltimore as "thugs" saying, "just call them n*ggers"

Iran's Top Diplomat Trolls Congress

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Zarif says Obama can lift sanctions if he wants.
The University of Maryland has done an about-face on the showing of the film “American Sniper.” After announcing last week that the planned screening would be postponed indefinitely because of complaints from a Muslim student group that film is Islamaphobic and anti-Arab, the university said yesterday the movie will be shown after all … as a “teachable moment.” According to NBC Washington, …
It’s official: The Energy Department’s green energy loan program is expected to lose money despite media reports that such loans would net the government a profit. The Government Accountability Office says the DOE’s oft-touted $28 billion loan program will cost taxpayers $2.21 billion over the lifetime of the loans. Not only that, the costs to taxpayers for …
Erica Walker released a video publicly expressing her first amendment rights to the extreme by showing her displeasure of America by stomping on the flag and...
‘We will not obey’: Christian leaders threaten civil disobedience if Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage
Even as the riots in Baltimore Monday night left a string of injured bodies and burned businesses, voices on the left were out in public defending the chaos.
Stephen A. Smith on Baltimore Riots: Our Ancestors Would be Ashamed of This Hooliganism
Peter Schweizer argued "there's far less evidence" against Bob McDonnell and Bob Menendez then there is against the Clintons
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski stated that there are "lots of questions" about the Clinton Foundation and "no answers"
"He also carefully chose to use that word. Isn't it the right word?"
"I do not want to see the government regulating the Internet."