Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged
GOP conservatives in the House are worried that establishment Republicans like Speaker John Boehner and his buddies may betray them once again, this time with the effort to repeal ObamaCare.
During his press conference today, President Obama addressed the violence in Baltimore, claiming his political agenda would help solve some of the problems found in impoverished urban communities, such as the one where the violence occurred.
They boo speakers off campus because they're obsessed with protecting themselves. It's how they were raised.
VPR News has learned from several sources that Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will announce his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination
Professor Dorothy Roberts from Penn Law argues that reparations is the answer to the "patriarchal white supremacy" that runs the United States. Via Pundit Press: Dr. Dorothy E. Roberts, who is described by Penn Law as “an acclaimed scholar of?

Don't Judge Blacks Differently

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Does race trump truth? In a confrontation between police and perpetrators, what is more important? Facts or skin color? When protests morph into riots, do we...

Dinesh D'Souza on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“I now count THREE Obama siblings--Malik, Mark and George--who have outed our man Barack as a poser, a hypocrite and a fraud”
Consider these facts about the creation of Israel and Pakistan.
A fiery Joe Scarborough on Tuesday denounced the media's double standard when it comes to investigating the scandal engulfing the Clinton Foundation's financial dealings. An angry Scarborough erupted "The Clintons have made $150 million over the past decade because of contacts they made during public service!" He described the typical journalist reaction as "Let's bow down before Bill and Hillary, because if we ask the same questions of them that we ask of every other politician, then oh, my God! We have crossed a line!" 
The ship manager for the container vessel boarded by Iranian forces declined to comment on the status of the vessel on Tuesday. The Pentagon said earlier that the Marshall Islands-flagged Maersk Tigris was boarded by Iranian forces in the Gulf. The Maersk Tigris is managed by Singapore-based Rickmers Ship Management, which is part of Hamburg-based Rickmers Group. A Rickmers Group spokeswoman declined to comment when contacted by Reuters about the vessel.
Iranian Navy vessels fired shots at and boarded a Marshall Islands-flagged commercial container ship in the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday, a senior defense official told Fox News.
It bears repeating: the "protesters" in Baltimore aren't fighting injustice -- they are the injustice. They are violence and destruction. There is no message. There is no voice to be heard. There is no consideration we should give these people. Their actions deserve only condemnation, and that's all.
“I’m disappointed that not more people are utilizing this, and I believe that we need to promote the new program better,” DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
Dr. Ben Carson is urging “parents, grandparents and guardians to please take control of your children and do not allow them to be exposed to the dangers of uncontrolled agitators on the streets.
As rioters rushed through the streets of Baltimore, torching police vehicles, looting local stores, and attacking police officers and reporters alike, some intrepid leftists justified the activity.
"The Word on the Street with Jesse Lee Peterson," April 23, 2015 Jesse Lee Peterson addresses the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore and the myth that "white...
“It should be a shock to no one that they were on camera. As protesters, you would figure their whole mission was to get attention.”
"Apparent provocation" -- The Pentagon
Durbin, Hillary Clinton Clinton, Reid Embrace Gay Marriage Flashback: When even liberals backed 'traditional marriage' Liberals who've flipped on gay marriag...
The New Green Religion of Global Warming/Climate Change is coming out of the closet to begin preaching from the pulpit.
Britain goes to the polls next week and the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, is clear about what the choice is. For too long, you have been told something that simply isn't true, Miliband assured supporters as he announced his program. That's what's good for the richest and most powerful is always good for the whole of our country. That as long as a few individuals and companies are OK, we can just wait for the wealth to trickle down to everyone else. Really? We've been told that? By whom? Who has spouted such bilge? Type trickle down economics into Google and it'll prompt you with myth, criticism, debunked and doesn't work. But you'll search in vain for anyone actually proposing the idea. Not that this deters leftist politicians, election after election, from tearing into it. Here, for example, is Barack Obama in 2008: We can't afford four more years of the theory that says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else.
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
The controversy over scholar Christina Hoff Sommers' lecture at Georgetown University last week is not over. Lauren Gagliardi, the school's assistant director for the center for student engagement, emailed two members of the College Republicans to request they edit the video to remove students who did not agree to be videotaped. In the email, provided to the Washington Examiner, Gagliardi tells the students that the edited version needs to be released without students who did not give permission to be taped. She also says that if the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, which sponsored the event, is unwilling or unresponsive to the request, Georgetown will need to step in. The video that has Gagliardi so upset features feminist activists holding up signs accusing Hoff Sommers of being an anti-feminist or deny rape. Laurel Conrad, the lecture director for CBLPI who helped organize the event, explained the situation over at Legal Insurrection.
Columnist Thomas Sowell predicts chaos ahead for would-be presidents on left and right.